While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!
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WLC deeply appreciates your heartfelt "Thank You" for receiving the free book set and The Pilgrim's Progress MP3. We strongly desire for these precious resources to be enjoyed by as many people around the world as possible as they will prove most invaluable for those who are preparing themselves to stand blameless at the Second Coming of Yahushua.
4240 members have written testimonials of their gratitude for the FREE Membership Gifts and countless others have emailed us directly about how these resources positively impacted their lives. Your kind words of appreciation will go a long way to encourage others to join WLC to receive these same gifts. WLC kindly thanks you for your help!
Written by: Samuel Lorlah Nigeria
thanks very much im grateful
Written by: jun-jun Catigay Philippines
im so thankful that im now member of this game
Written by: Dheer Raina India
well i want to thank the WLC site.The books i received are really touching and life changing......its really awesome...
Written by: allam reddy India
the book the i received from toy are outstanding.it made me strong in my spiritual life.thank you WLC
Written by: martha kay ratubalavu Fiji
i want to thank wlc for the great help,iam a new convert and iam so blessed with your free gifts.a lot of my friends are asking me where did i get it from but i just thank god for his providence
Written by: donlee desierto Philippines
!happy sabbath............ keeping holy books is some how U keep the Words og your almighty God...
Written by: noemi dones Philippines
God bless WLC...
Written by: lourdes laura India
I thank you a lot for beautiful gift from you.its like a gift from God directly.It has helped me to renew my spiritual life. Thank you
Written by: Kudakwashe Jani Zimbabwe
Guys you are really wonderful to me you know.I mean God bless this website and organisation.i received your package of books and i have started to read volume one of last call E.G White is a great author.please keep reaching out to people bcoz you have touched me already.i am getting a clear picture of things i didnt know.i wish and pray everyday that i could see yoiu face to face maybe you could move my soul mere.thanks a lot for your books and to Steve Davies as well you did an excellent job.i love you guys
Written by: GIFT PATSANJA Malawi
Thank you WLC.
Written by: sabina tokbipi India
the moment i am accepted by God as his own child my heart flow with joy that cannot define
Written by: Rommy Pereira India
Thanks to WLC team & god bless them to serve the world in a different way. I received my books today.Thanks once again.
Written by: kefah osiemo Kenya
Thanks a lot to the WLC for i am now able to spend my time with God therefore i am growing spiritually and the time for sinning has been reduced greatly.
Written by: Sangeeth Chinnappan India
I really feel glad & wanna thank wlc and the team for their work. this website is like one which always remembers me Jesus' coming... I got my books .. and i really thank and praise God who has given you this ministry.. may god be with you... Amen....
Written by: Manohar Pradeep India
I praise God for the burden u have in HIM.May God bless our website for the spiritual renewal. Pradeep India
Written by: Joseph Nyankalwa Malawi
"Thank you for sending me the 4 free set of book.I pray that God will continue to uphold and bless wlc team, thanks so much." Joseph MALAWI
Written by: cheryl jessup United States
i was saved in 1975 in a small church in richmond v.a. i would never made it this far if it was not for my lord. like everyone i have had ups and downs in my life, the lost of my mother and my father and my husband of 30 years. in 1982 my 19year old son died boxing, he was hit in the head live 45 mins that was so hard its hard to lose a love one but a child. its almost all you can bear.but i known i had the lord with me , he helped me get my life back on track. oh yes i call on him every day. for help to get through the day without him i am lost , like a child who has lost their way, but he is always there. i have this little saying. lifes road is ruff but you can make it hold out your hand and God will take it. thats what i do the past year has be really hard on me in jan i fell and broke my hip and hand, the doctor said i my not be able to walk or use my hand. i;m 66 years old and i want every day to count, will guess what i can use my hand and i am able to walk with a walker. every step i take God has my hand . i can only say what God has done for me he can do for you. i would be lost without God in my life. what he has done for others he can do for you. in christ name.
Written by: donny koei Great Britain
Thx WLC for the Gift.. me and my wife starting to read it and getting new vision from this book (In the beginning book)..we are getting excited..
Written by: paul rajesh United Arab Emirates
Written by: VIJAYARAJU K India
how many days required to read these books
Written by: Héctor Vega Mexico
Hola mi nombre es Héctor, Gracias "Worlds last chance" por el set de libros que me enviaron sin ningun costo. Creo que seran dendicion en mi vida. Dios los bendiga!
Written by: lekan tunde-ojekunle Nigeria
Thank you for sending me the 4 free set of book.i pray that God will continue to uphold and bless wlc team, thanks so much.
Written by: Haroon Alsawalqah Japan
?????? ??? ???? ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????. Really thank you WLC, I received the gift today from you.
Written by: Kefah Osiemo Kenya
I have had a good time to spend with God. Thanks to WLC
Written by: deric fuhbi United States
Thank you very much for the books. I was very encouraged and I will use these books to the fullest. Reading these books have opened my eyes to hear God's Word more clearly and understand His wisdom. God bless you!
Written by: Kefah Osiemo Kenya
Thank you wlc for you have kept me busy instead of sinning i spend my time appropriately
Written by: Tony Noorsanto Indonesia
Hallo WLC, I would like to thank you all for the books I've received. It was a surprise for me, I'm really glad, and now I begin to read the first book. Thanks again and God bless you all. Amen.
Written by: Adejare Adebowale Nigeria
I adejare thank God for your minitry . I have just recieved my free books. thanks and God bless.
Written by: praise john India
thanks a lot the set of books was really wonderful and i am very happy to receive them as a gift and i am going to inform about it to all my friends
Written by: Norman Rodriguez Belize
Thank you so much WLC. Your work is tremendous; God is surely working through you. Thanks for those books. They are a gift of life. I was very weak in my food choices, but after reading your book on Healing, I am making important changes to my diet. I have also shared some meaningful suggestions to family and friends. Most of all, I am taking better steps to living healthy. Thank you and thank God for your work. may God continue to bless you richly.