While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!
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WLC deeply appreciates your heartfelt "Thank You" for receiving the free book set and The Pilgrim's Progress MP3. We strongly desire for these precious resources to be enjoyed by as many people around the world as possible as they will prove most invaluable for those who are preparing themselves to stand blameless at the Second Coming of Yahushua.
4240 members have written testimonials of their gratitude for the FREE Membership Gifts and countless others have emailed us directly about how these resources positively impacted their lives. Your kind words of appreciation will go a long way to encourage others to join WLC to receive these same gifts. WLC kindly thanks you for your help!
Written by: Heinrich AtJustOnSite South Africa
While Pilgrim 1 is very serious part 2 has a sense of humor. I have watched about all the movies Pilgrim's movies but not one is like the original. I do have part 1 and 2 in book form in the afrikaans language and it was very difficult to get (old)but it is like the cd that you have sent me. The stories I've put on usb sticks and it it all that i listen to during the day when i go to work. My work is 80% of the day on the road. It is not quite sure Bunion says to keep the law or that we are made free from the law but if you are in the truth then you can point it out. the same with the dead are now in heaven. But won't it be a blessing to cross that river? Who can wait? May we all see and speak to our Redeemer YAHUSHUA and our father YAH soon. May we all be delivered from despair Amen
Written by: R.M.Beneen Ben India
Its a good way to share the testimony
Written by: R.M.Beneen Ben India
Its a good way to share the testimony
Written by: Helmut Matt Germany
I am happy that I found the way to you. I will certainly listen to all your studies to understand the way you are thinking
Written by: Emanuel Depina United States
The course on Daniel has been a blessing in allowing me to understand Bible prophecies. May the Lord bless the content creator.
Written by: Yah Above All United States
What a wonderful gift! Worth listening!
Written by: Nelson Kepe Papua New Guinea
Thank you for great light shown in the darkness
Written by: JEYA VIJAYAN India
Its very good and best way of knowing True God
Written by: Beloved United States
I have not finished this listening yet. However, it is amazing..I am striving to bring this life I am living to a point I can listen to it and my apochryphal books over and over and over. It is truly captivating. Also, I believe it is so pleasant to the soul due to no visual?? Maybe? Regardless, I love it, and will allow my grandson and grand daughters to listen during their visits with me :)
Written by: Beloved United States
Written by: EllaRose Raven United States
Bless you all at WLC for letting me learn how hard it is to follow the truth, It is a challenge but with Yahweh and Yahushua help I will be able to get closer to them and live the life Tey wanted for me.
Written by: Gina Kuettner-Wiliams United States
Wow ~ one of my favorite gifts I've ever received. Thank you!!! I wish I had heard that when I was a child. It's so creative and beautifully imaginative - all based on the TRUTH! I will listen to it multiple times. Thank you again - and Yah Bless!!
Written by: Timothy Okhuoya Nigeria
God is truly Great
Written by: mario gajitos Philippines
lot of truth
Written by: NYANDA ISHAYA OKEM Nigeria
Hmmn , I felt like I was with them in that journey, very Interesting..
Written by: NYANDA ISHAYA OKEM Nigeria
Hmmn , I felt like I was with them in that journey, very Interesting..
Written by: K.C. MURUKAN India
I really want to thank God for the give of life, may his name be praise
Written by: Michael Horton United States
Very entertaining and made me feel I was almost with them on their perilous journey through trials and tribulations, blessing for sure! I think of valley of decisions and looking the shadow of death in the face!
Written by: Ivie Osayande Nigeria
Pilgrim gave me another blessing beyond my expectations
Written by: mario gajitos Philippines
very truthfull im understand
Written by: mario gajitos Philippines
Written by: mario gajitos Philippines
the truth is light.i see the light
Written by: mario gajitos Philippines
thank you world last chane
Written by: mario gajitos Philippines
lot of light
Written by: John Success Nigeria
I really want to thank God for the give of life, may his name be praise...!
Written by: Timothy Okhuoya Nigeria
I really love it. I appreciate
Written by: Timothy Okhuoya Nigeria
have listened to the pilgrims progress,I love the story pretty amazing.Truly a gift.
Written by: Wankitbok Jyrwa India
I love this pilgrims progress dvd because it taught me a great lesson about life with Christ and it showed me the way to live a healthy peaceful and victorious life in Christ Yahushua ...
Written by: Wrong House United States
I have listened to the pilgrims progress, probably 20 times on YouTube. I love the story pretty amazing an uneducated man could write a book such as this one. Truly a gift.
Written by: Naomi Snider United States
I've heard of this book most of my life, yet never read it, I guess because it sounded like something that would not appeal to me. And perhaps if I had tried to read it back then, it probably would not have been my cup of tea. However, since you are freely giving it out to us I felt I should give it a try, and discovered that it contains priceless gems of truth about our journey to our future homeland. I haven't finished it yet, but am almost there. Thank you for making this available to us to give us much needed encouragement.