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WLC deeply appreciates your heartfelt "Thank You" for receiving the free book set and The Pilgrim's Progress MP3. We strongly desire for these precious resources to be enjoyed by as many people around the world as possible as they will prove most invaluable for those who are preparing themselves to stand blameless at the Second Coming of Yahushua.
4237 members have written testimonials of their gratitude for the FREE Membership Gifts and countless others have emailed us directly about how these resources positively impacted their lives. Your kind words of appreciation will go a long way to encourage others to join WLC to receive these same gifts. WLC kindly thanks you for your help!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: peter chavez United States
Wonderful story line, so true of what we face as Christian's, it's no easy task! As it should be! Praise God!
Written by: John Kurt Arvesu Philippines
I would like to have a copy too!
Written by: John Kurt Arvesu Philippines
Its good and nice!
Written by: John Kurt Arvesu Philippines
Amazing and Incredible!
Written by: shane fredericks South Africa
The most amazing and factual book I ever read
Written by: Eduardo Ferreira Brazil
Amazing book that describes the christian walk. Can almost say it was inspired!
Written by: Cheryl Claiborne United States
I pray that as I am on this journey in this foreign land that I am passing through that I can remain strong and Faithful till the end, when Christ returns.
Written by: Francis Mwangi Kenya
Hello team I would like to have a copy
Written by: wizzie ccccccccccc United States
I would love to listen to this
Written by: wizzie ccccccccccc United States
How do I get a copy of pilgrim's progress
Written by: Solveig Larsen Finland
Hello, I have wated so much to listen, seemed that my cd is not I need a new one. I thank God for His love. And that He saved me!
Written by: Austin Earley United States
Thank you for everything in WLC!
Written by: Abraham Aiad United States
It is so nice i have listened to all of it 3 times.
Written by: Sheila Peacock United States
I have completed Pilgrim's Progress thanks for all the lessons.
Written by: Jasreen Caine Canada
Thank you for a well put together story. I enjoyed it so much. Stop listening sometimes I would be up late. Just too finish the audio.
Written by: eric adade Ghana
Great story. Thanks so much for such an insightful lesson
Written by: Rey Gacasan Philippines
Blessings! This is pure spiritual food. Thank you so much.
Written by: Abraham Aiad United States
So good it is like heaven on earth thankyou so much.