While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!
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WLC deeply appreciates your heartfelt "Thank You" for receiving the free book set and The Pilgrim's Progress MP3. We strongly desire for these precious resources to be enjoyed by as many people around the world as possible as they will prove most invaluable for those who are preparing themselves to stand blameless at the Second Coming of Yahushua.
4240 members have written testimonials of their gratitude for the FREE Membership Gifts and countless others have emailed us directly about how these resources positively impacted their lives. Your kind words of appreciation will go a long way to encourage others to join WLC to receive these same gifts. WLC kindly thanks you for your help!
Written by: EMMANUEL AKOR Nigeria
Losing lots of good friends, he never gave up, he thought positively, even thou he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord was with him. He never gave up until he reached the celestial city. Christianity is not an easy road it is fill trials and triumphs all together.
Written by: Zachary Marines United States
thanks for the pilgims progress cd it is a great book in mp3 and thanks for all you do to keep us informed and updated.
Written by: Zachary Marines United States
thanks for the pilgims progress cd it is a great book in mp3 and thanks for all you do to keep us informed and updated.
Written by: Joseph Trager Nigeria
Hello brother, thank you for the gift even though I got only THE ELEVENTH HOUR Book, but it has been a great blessing for me and the people who I have found it difficult teaching through the internet because here in Nigeria many Christians believe internet is deceit. But the book have helped me teach them and refer them easily to the Bible for clarification of any doubts. Once more thank you very much and remain blessed.
Written by: Londa Love United States
Thank you for sharing this! I will definitely encourage others to listen to this!
Written by: emmanuel mensah Ghana
I listened to a recordings of The Pilgrim's Progress' that a friend sent me. Can I request for one? Thank you
Written by: Florence Jones United States
Deeply spiritual and encouraging, Thank you for The Pilgrim's Progress.
Written by: Hamzah Ali Nsubuga Uganda
Hello, After listening to this, I really got encouraged, knowing that Christian had alot of burdens and that the only one capable of lifting those burens off of him was our lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, he was tested through various trials but he never gave up on God, he followed the word, even though he lost alot of good friends, he never gave up, he always thought positively, even thou he walked through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord was with him. He never gave up until he reached the celestial city.
Written by: Great Sacardo Ghana
Free gifts received. The message is invaluable. God bless WLC
Written by: Thiemio Haspel Austria
A nice story of a journey of a Bible believer and his trials and tests of Faith. Many biblical passages are told In A new form. But the Luni solar Calendar and the Hebrew names Yahuwah and Yahushua aren't used In this tale.
Written by: Kathy Brooks United States
I started my journey at the age of 12. I was baptized in a Baptist church. My search started from that point on. Becoming discontented with the church and constantly having questions about the pagan holidays, I left the traditional church, Ten + years I've been finding information about how we are to serve Yahuwah (God) and that God has a name and the true name of his son is Yeshua (Jesus) I also learn the origin of Christianity and how it has created doctrines, added on and taken away and hold fast to pagan customs. I want the TRUTH!! I am now 68 yrs old, I love the word of Yahweh for it is truly, Psalm 119:105 it says," Your word is a lamp for my feet a light on my path." I could not have made it this far had He not shown Grace and Mercy !
Written by: Linh Chi Viet Nam
Cảm ơn bạn vì tôi đã nhận được món quà này vào ngày hôm qua. tôi sẽ xem nó và hiểu biết lẽ thật của GIÊ HÔ VA chia sẻ cho nhiều người biết.
Written by: Tatyana Burlay Ukraine
Thank you for this gift!
Written by: Thiemio Haspel Austria
I received the PP yesterday, looking forward to listen to eat today! I will leave another comment once I finished It. Thank you and a happy lunar Sabbath To all of you in honor of Yahuwah El shaddai
Written by: Thiemio Haspel Austria
I received the PP yesterday, looking forward to listen to eat today! I will leave another comment once I finished It. Thank you and a happy lunar Sabbath To all of you in honor of Yahuwah El shaddai
Written by: Londa Love United States
Thank you for this free gift. It not only blessed me but I can also share it with others.
Written by: Alexander Bragin Russian Federation
I am very happy to receive this precious gift today.Thank you. I have also started listening to the mp3,Very inspiring.Thank you for all the gi
Written by: Marc Daniel Rivera Philippines
Thanks for the free copy of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress.
Written by: David Gordon United States
I feel upon the Pilgrims Progress about three years after I got saved and it has affected me tremendously as John Bunyan has laid the Christian journey out so accurately. I have listened to the audio version so much that I wanted to introduce it to somebody. Low and behold the LORD has blessed my wife and I with our churches children's ministry and now we have started a kids club with a Pilgrims Progress kids curriculum for all who come. Oh praise the one who sits on the throne and is forever praised for this wonderful classic that is still helping Christians walk the faith
Written by: FRENGKI BRABAR Indonesia
Hai ! Nama saya FRENGKI BRABAR, saya mengikuti postingan-postingan dari wlc sejak 2006. Saya bersyukur bisa menemukan Website wlc sehingga hari ini saya dan keluarga saya sudah tidak melaksanakan natal, dan secara Alkitabiah, natal tidak dicatat di dalam Alkitab. Saya sangat bersyukur karena bisa keluar dari penyembahan Paganis. Saya dan keluarga juga menggunakan kalender Wlc untuk melaksanakan Shabat di Rumah, saya juga tidak melaksanakan ibadah di gereja, karena berbeda pandangan menurut Alkitab. Kiranya Bapa AHYH/YHWH memberkati Tim WLC untuk menyampaikan hal-hal baru bagi semua orang di muka bumi ini.
Written by: Helen Noctor Tonga
The pilgrim's progress is one of the most precious Christian stories that we have heard. God bless you!
Written by: Helen Noctor Tonga
Hi! I'm Ramona. I did read the last call and it was so blessing. Thanks for the book! I did receive it from Helen. God bless!
Written by: Helen Noctor Tonga
Hi! I'm Sosina. I did read the desire of the ages. It was so great! I read the book at Helen's house. God bless you!
Written by: Maxim D'Almeida India
We experience the wonders of God. i received this free book some years ago, but it was inside. i had not taken interest to read it. recently when i was looking for some books to read it so happen my eyes began to gaze on this set and began to read the book 1 and then all other books. i was so much went in deep it made me to realize the power of God. thank you so much WLC.
Written by: Gary Whaley United States
The free book set is simply marvelous. I am totally awed at the writings of E.G.White because it is so easy to understand in its simplicity and its well prepared chronology of creation and the history of mankind and how it prophetically explains our rendezvous with our eternal destiny in Yahuwah's kingdom. As one embarks in this study with such wonderful resources, you can't help but feel the presence of the Holy One's Spirit guiding you.
Written by: Wyman Kingsley Australia
Thank you Father for the WLC team and the free gift books that 10 years ago changed the course of my life and opened up my Spiritual mind to much I never knew. We have a loving Father found in the life of Yahshua. I pray for all who will believer John 17:20
Written by: Jack Ittera India
Written by: Jack Ittera India Nov 27, 2018 GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN: INFINITELY PRICELESS INDEED! And so is WLC’s free gift set aptly titled “GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN”, consisting of the four books THE LAST CALL, IN THE BEGINNING, THE DESIRE OF AGES, HEAVEN’S HEALING and THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS CD. For those who hunger and thirst for Yahuwah’s righteousness, truth and love these books will lead to a process of inquiry, discovery and research into all truth, prophecies and revelations which will direct us all to Yahuwah’s magnanimous love, Yahushua’s perfect and priceless sacrifice, His invaluable saving grace and His powerful Spirit. And this surely shall be the greatest reward of our high calling, the knowledge of Yahushua and Yahuwah the true and living Eloah! For this, this truly is eternal life!
Written by: Lenny Lucky Nigeria
Thanks To wlc. Through this platform, books and articles, there is restoration of truth and light which has been hidden for ages.
Written by: Almin Causevic Germany
Thank you WLC for all the precious blessings you have given Yahuwah-willing to so many truth-seeking people. The MP3 the pilgrim's progress is absolutely amazing and most strengthening in the darkest and toughest hours of one's journey. The book the last call shows how father Yah led his chldren in difficult times to proclaim the truth. With this spiritual armor we are goodly equipped to do Yahuwahs will and "shine as lights in the world" Philippians 2:15. Yahuwah bless you all
Written by: Almin Causevic Germany
It is most strengthening in the darkest and toughest hours of one's journey. Yahuwah bless you all