While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Biblical Christian Videos

Understanding New Moons
& Translation Days

  • New Moons are non-commerce days.
  • New Moons are days of Thanksgiving.
  • New Moons are days of worship.
  • The Creator’s Calendar is luni-solar.
  • “Translation Day” is the 30th day of a lunation.

In this video:
New Moons & Translation Days explained!

Time: 00:16:17
Downloads: 2665
Comments: 13 
Hits: 14553 

Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High

  • Hurricane Irma
  • The largest hurricane recorded in the Atlantic
  • The island of Nevis in the Caribbean
  • A Yah-fearing couple with 3 children
  • Abiding in the shadow of the Almighty

In this video:
A testimony of Yahuwah’s mercy and protection!

Time: 00:32:21
Downloads: 2286
Comments: 3 
Hits: 8953 

“Saturday is the Sabbath” is FAKE NEWS!

  • Date of the Crucifixion
  • Admissions of Jewish Scholars
  • Admissions of Catholic Scholars
  • The Julian Calendar & Planetary Week
  • The Man-Made International Date Line

In this video:
Irrefutable Proof: Saturday is NOT the Sabbath!

Time: 00:35:54
Downloads: 2754
Comments: 8 
Hits: 17910 

Church Corporations:
Sacrificing Integrity for Money!

  • State controlled churches
  • Misrepresenting Romans 13
  • Conforming to government agenda
  • Spreading government propaganda
  • Censored truth and blind obedience

In this video:
Tax Exempt Churches: Exposing the 501c3 Deception!

Time: 00:16:05
Downloads: 2980
Comments: 8 
Hits: 8888 

Yahushua Vs. Pope Francis:
Who are you going to believe?

  • Pope Francis is a Jesuit [deceiver].
  • Pope Francis says Yahushua's life "ended in failure."
  • Pope Francis says atheists saved by good works.
  • Pope Francis rejects the Biblical account of Creation
    and promotes evolution.

In this video:
The Saviour or the Antichrist: Who do you trust?

Time: 00:19:29
Downloads: 2271
Comments: 3 
Hits: 8877 

Date Line Deception: What it is &
Why it Matters to You!

  • The International Date Line is man-made,
    imaginary, arbitrary, and moveable.
  • To zealously proclaim sola scriptura while making
    Yahuwah's feast days subservient to the man-made
    International Date Line is utterly inconsistent.

In this video:
Proving the falsehood of a continuous weekly cycle!

Time: 00:23:01
Downloads: 2431
Comments: 7 
Hits: 8637 

Once Saved, Always Saved:
The "Eternal Security" Deception!

  • Once Saved, Always Saved?
  • Can salvation be forfeited?
  • Do we truly have free will?
  • Can the “saved” really sin?
  • Can we fall from grace?

In this video:
Eternal Security: Is it truly Biblical?

Time: 00:18:23
Downloads: 2796
Comments: 8 
Hits: 11314 

The Addiction of Gambling

  • Wasted Time
  • Wasted Money
  • Wasted Resources
  • Idleness & Covetousness
  • Indolence & Recklessness
  • Irresponsible Stewardship

In this video:
The Seductive Dangers of Gambling!

Time: 00:16:17
Downloads: 2106
Comments: 3 
Hits: 9200 

Porn Addiction: How to Save your Child!

  • Provide a healthy home environment.
  • Teach deferred gratification.
  • Teach your child that actions have consequences.
  • Actively instill the values you do want in your child.
  • Have an honest talk with your kids.
  • Teach your child self-control.

In this video:
Protecting your child from the allure of pornography!

Time: 00:15:16
Downloads: 2954
Comments: 5 
Hits: 17404 

Adornment & the Christian:
The Problem with Jewelry

  • Silver, gold, and precious gems
  • Inspiring envy or admiration in others
  • The latest fashions and worldly trends
  • Piercings, tattoos, and scarification
  • The hidden person of the heart

In this video:
Christians & the problem with jewelry

Time: 00:16:16
Downloads: 2246
Comments: 10 
Hits: 11191 

Under the Law? Or Under Grace?

  • How does Scripture define sin?
  • Should we keep the 10 Commandments?
  • What does it mean to be "under grace"?
  • What does it mean to be "under the law"?
  • Is commandment-keeping legalism?
  • How is our relationship with Yahushua made evident?

In this video:
What it truly means to be "under grace"!

Time: 00:09:46
Downloads: 3222
Comments: 11 
Hits: 17110 

Slain in the Spirit! Christian Charisma:
A Spirit from the Deep

  • Slain in the Spirit...
  • Evidence of Salvation?
  • Demonic Manifestations?
  • The Work of the Holy Spirit?
  • Resembling the Meek and Lowly One?

In this video:
"Slain in the Spirit" Exposed!

Time: 00:15:32
Downloads: 3027
Comments: 2 
Hits: 15210 

Understanding New Moons
& Translation Days

  • New Moons are non-commerce days.
  • New Moons are days of Thanksgiving.
  • New Moons are days of worship.
  • The Creator’s Calendar is luni-solar.
  • “Translation Day” is the 30th day of a lunation.

In this video:
New Moons & Translation Days explained!

Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High

  • Hurricane Irma
  • The largest hurricane recorded in the Atlantic
  • The island of Nevis in the Caribbean
  • A Yah-fearing couple with 3 children
  • Abiding in the shadow of the Almighty

In this video:
A testimony of Yahuwah’s mercy and protection!

“Saturday is the Sabbath” is FAKE NEWS!

  • Date of the Crucifixion
  • Admissions of Jewish Scholars
  • Admissions of Catholic Scholars
  • The Julian Calendar & Planetary Week
  • The Man-Made International Date Line

In this video:
Irrefutable Proof: Saturday is NOT the Sabbath!

Church Corporations:
Sacrificing Integrity for Money!

  • State controlled churches
  • Misrepresenting Romans 13
  • Conforming to government agenda
  • Spreading government propaganda
  • Censored truth and blind obedience

In this video:
Tax Exempt Churches: Exposing the 501c3 Deception!

Yahushua Vs. Pope Francis:
Who are you going to believe?

  • Pope Francis is a Jesuit [deceiver].
  • Pope Francis says Yahushua's life "ended in failure."
  • Pope Francis says atheists saved by good works.
  • Pope Francis rejects the Biblical account of Creation
    and promotes evolution.

In this video:
The Saviour or the Antichrist: Who do you trust?

Date Line Deception: What it is &
Why it Matters to You!

  • The International Date Line is man-made,
    imaginary, arbitrary, and moveable.
  • To zealously proclaim sola scriptura while making
    Yahuwah's feast days subservient to the man-made
    International Date Line is utterly inconsistent.

In this video:
Proving the falsehood of a continuous weekly cycle!

Once Saved, Always Saved:
The "Eternal Security" Deception!

  • Once Saved, Always Saved?
  • Can salvation be forfeited?
  • Do we truly have free will?
  • Can the “saved” really sin?
  • Can we fall from grace?

In this video:
Eternal Security: Is it truly Biblical?

The Addiction of Gambling

  • Wasted Time
  • Wasted Money
  • Wasted Resources
  • Idleness & Covetousness
  • Indolence & Recklessness
  • Irresponsible Stewardship

In this video:
The Seductive Dangers of Gambling!

Porn Addiction: How to Save your Child!

  • Provide a healthy home environment.
  • Teach deferred gratification.
  • Teach your child that actions have consequences.
  • Actively instill the values you do want in your child.
  • Have an honest talk with your kids.
  • Teach your child self-control.

In this video:
Protecting your child from the allure of pornography!

Adornment & the Christian:
The Problem with Jewelry

  • Silver, gold, and precious gems
  • Inspiring envy or admiration in others
  • The latest fashions and worldly trends
  • Piercings, tattoos, and scarification
  • The hidden person of the heart

In this video:
Christians & the problem with jewelry

Under the Law? Or Under Grace?

  • How does Scripture define sin?
  • Should we keep the 10 Commandments?
  • What does it mean to be "under grace"?
  • What does it mean to be "under the law"?
  • Is commandment-keeping legalism?
  • How is our relationship with Yahushua made evident?

In this video:
What it truly means to be "under grace"!

Slain in the Spirit! Christian Charisma:
A Spirit from the Deep

  • Slain in the Spirit...
  • Evidence of Salvation?
  • Demonic Manifestations?
  • The Work of the Holy Spirit?
  • Resembling the Meek and Lowly One?

In this video:
"Slain in the Spirit" Exposed!

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