While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Biblical Christian Videos

The True Shape of the Earth:
It is not a Globe!

  • NASA's entire space program is built on a lie.
  • The Earth is not a ball.
  • The Earth does not move.
  • The Earth is flat & stationary.
  • Proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages...

In this video:
Flat Earth: Will you pursue truth wherever it leads?

Time: 00:07:43
Downloads: 4420
Comments: 20 
Hits: 26587 

Predestination: Lottery for Your Soul?

  • Total Depravity/Inability
  • Unconditional Election
  • Limited Atonement
  • Irresistible Grace
  • Perseverance of the Saints
  • Eternal Security

In this video:
Predestination: A Destructive & Unbiblical Doctrine!

Time: 00:19:09
Downloads: 2700
Comments: 5 
Hits: 11537 

Flat Earth: Bible Truth in an
Unstable World

  • The Earth is not a globe!
  • The Earth is flat and stationary.
  • The heavenly bodies move above the Earth.
  • The Earth and the heavenly bodies are
    enclosed by the firmament.

In this video:
Scripture is abundantly clear: The Earth is Flat!

Time: 00:18:15
Downloads: 4086
Comments: 25 
Hits: 31135 

The Sign of Jonah

  • Three Days & Three Nights
  • Jonah: In the Belly of the Great Fish
  • Yahushua: In the Heart of the Earth
  • Yahushua... Crucified on the Sixth Day
  • Yahushua... Resurrected on the First Day
  • When does the count begin?

In this video:
The "sign of the prophet Jonah" explained!

Time: 00:20:28
Downloads: 2991
Comments: 8 
Hits: 11154 

Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

  • The Earth is flat.
  • The Earth is not a globe.
  • Copernicus & Galileo: the Hegelian Dialectic
  • From the Nazis to NASA: the Vatican rules...
  • Jesuits & The Counter Reformation
  • "LUCIFER" & the Coming of Christ

In this video:
Exposing the Greatest Deception of all time!

Time: 00:37:03
Downloads: 4226
Comments: 15 
Hits: 35078 

Eternal Fire Exists ...but
it's not what you think!

  • An eternally burning "hell" is NOT Biblical.
  • Yahuwah, Himself, is a consuming fire.
  • The eternal burnings of Yah's presence
    consume away all sin and selfishness.
  • The redeemed will forever rejoice in this fire.

In this video:
The Mystery of "Eternal Fire" according to Scripture!

Time: 00:18:05
Downloads: 4298
Comments: 10 
Hits: 16365 

The Saturday Swindle:
Hiding the Sabbath - Part 2

  • In the fourth century, Hillel II modified
    the Biblical Calendar!
  • Jews worship on Saturday because
    Talmudic law justifies the act.
  • True Sabbath NOT on modern calendar!

In this video:
Hillel II transfers Sabbath observance to Saturday!

Time: 00:20:39
Downloads: 3771
Comments: 6 
Hits: 17715 

The Saturday Swindle:
Hiding the Sabbath - Part 1

  • Constantine... standardized the planetary week,
    making Sunday the first day of the week.
  • Constantine... exalted dies Solis (Sunday)
    as worship day for pagans and Christians.
  • Constantine... exalted Easter over Passover.

In this video:
Constantine outlaws the Biblical Calendar!

Time: 00:17:46
Downloads: 4608
Comments: 14 
Hits: 22288 

Lunar Sabbath Vindicated
by "70 Weeks" Prophecy!

  • Daniel's "70 Weeks" (Daniel 9)
  • Crucifixion in Spring of 31 AD
  • Crucifixion on 14th day of lunar month
  • Crucifixion on 6th day of the week
  • Crucifixion NOT on a "Friday"!

In this video:
Ancient Prophecy proves Lunar Sabbath!

Time: 00:16:44
Downloads: 3815
Comments: 16 
Hits: 19378 

Jews & the Sabbath

  • Millions wrongly assume Saturday is the Bible
    Sabbath because it is when the Jews worship.
  • Jewish scholars acknowledge that Saturday is
    not the ancient, original Sabbath of Scripture.
  • Gregorian Calendar IS NOT Yahuwah's Calendar.
  • Saturday IS NOT the Bible Sabbath!

In this video:
The forgotten cover up!

Time: 00:18:04
Downloads: 4465
Comments: 10 
Hits: 28087 

Welcome to World's Last Chance!

  • We are so glad you are here!
  • Free Membership Gifts!
  • Earn Points & Spend at the Free Store!
  • Meet Believers from around the World!
  • Increased depth & breadth of Bible Knowledge...
    & your relationship with your Creator!

In this video:
Learn why WLC is exactly where you need to be!

Time: 00:03:45
Downloads: 4015
Comments: 5 
Hits: 14936 

"Messianic" Judaism: Deception!

  • Replacing Bible Truth with modern Pharisaism...
  • Supporting the Zionist agenda...
  • Peppering the speech with Hebrew...
  • Giving money to rebuild the temple...
  • Modern "Jews" are not the ultimate authority
    on what is pleasing to Yahuwah.

In this video:
Messianic Judaism: A Growing Deception!

Time: 00:23:20
Downloads: 3790
Comments: 16 
Hits: 14182 

The True Shape of the Earth:
It is not a Globe!

  • NASA's entire space program is built on a lie.
  • The Earth is not a ball.
  • The Earth does not move.
  • The Earth is flat & stationary.
  • Proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages...

In this video:
Flat Earth: Will you pursue truth wherever it leads?

Predestination: Lottery for Your Soul?

  • Total Depravity/Inability
  • Unconditional Election
  • Limited Atonement
  • Irresistible Grace
  • Perseverance of the Saints
  • Eternal Security

In this video:
Predestination: A Destructive & Unbiblical Doctrine!

Flat Earth: Bible Truth in an
Unstable World

  • The Earth is not a globe!
  • The Earth is flat and stationary.
  • The heavenly bodies move above the Earth.
  • The Earth and the heavenly bodies are
    enclosed by the firmament.

In this video:
Scripture is abundantly clear: The Earth is Flat!

The Sign of Jonah

  • Three Days & Three Nights
  • Jonah: In the Belly of the Great Fish
  • Yahushua: In the Heart of the Earth
  • Yahushua... Crucified on the Sixth Day
  • Yahushua... Resurrected on the First Day
  • When does the count begin?

In this video:
The "sign of the prophet Jonah" explained!

Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

  • The Earth is flat.
  • The Earth is not a globe.
  • Copernicus & Galileo: the Hegelian Dialectic
  • From the Nazis to NASA: the Vatican rules...
  • Jesuits & The Counter Reformation
  • "LUCIFER" & the Coming of Christ

In this video:
Exposing the Greatest Deception of all time!

Eternal Fire Exists ...but
it's not what you think!

  • An eternally burning "hell" is NOT Biblical.
  • Yahuwah, Himself, is a consuming fire.
  • The eternal burnings of Yah's presence
    consume away all sin and selfishness.
  • The redeemed will forever rejoice in this fire.

In this video:
The Mystery of "Eternal Fire" according to Scripture!

The Saturday Swindle:
Hiding the Sabbath - Part 2

  • In the fourth century, Hillel II modified
    the Biblical Calendar!
  • Jews worship on Saturday because
    Talmudic law justifies the act.
  • True Sabbath NOT on modern calendar!

In this video:
Hillel II transfers Sabbath observance to Saturday!

The Saturday Swindle:
Hiding the Sabbath - Part 1

  • Constantine... standardized the planetary week,
    making Sunday the first day of the week.
  • Constantine... exalted dies Solis (Sunday)
    as worship day for pagans and Christians.
  • Constantine... exalted Easter over Passover.

In this video:
Constantine outlaws the Biblical Calendar!

Lunar Sabbath Vindicated
by "70 Weeks" Prophecy!

  • Daniel's "70 Weeks" (Daniel 9)
  • Crucifixion in Spring of 31 AD
  • Crucifixion on 14th day of lunar month
  • Crucifixion on 6th day of the week
  • Crucifixion NOT on a "Friday"!

In this video:
Ancient Prophecy proves Lunar Sabbath!

Jews & the Sabbath

  • Millions wrongly assume Saturday is the Bible
    Sabbath because it is when the Jews worship.
  • Jewish scholars acknowledge that Saturday is
    not the ancient, original Sabbath of Scripture.
  • Gregorian Calendar IS NOT Yahuwah's Calendar.
  • Saturday IS NOT the Bible Sabbath!

In this video:
The forgotten cover up!

Welcome to World's Last Chance!

  • We are so glad you are here!
  • Free Membership Gifts!
  • Earn Points & Spend at the Free Store!
  • Meet Believers from around the World!
  • Increased depth & breadth of Bible Knowledge...
    & your relationship with your Creator!

In this video:
Learn why WLC is exactly where you need to be!

"Messianic" Judaism: Deception!

  • Replacing Bible Truth with modern Pharisaism...
  • Supporting the Zionist agenda...
  • Peppering the speech with Hebrew...
  • Giving money to rebuild the temple...
  • Modern "Jews" are not the ultimate authority
    on what is pleasing to Yahuwah.

In this video:
Messianic Judaism: A Growing Deception!

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