While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Biblical Christian Videos

Church Corporations:
Sacrificing Integrity for Money!

  • State controlled churches
  • Misrepresenting Romans 13
  • Conforming to government agenda
  • Spreading government propaganda
  • Censored truth and blind obedience

In this video:
Tax Exempt Churches: Exposing the 501c3 Deception!

Time: 00:16:05
Downloads: 2981
Comments: 8 
Hits: 8891 

Yahushua Vs. Pope Francis:
Who are you going to believe?

  • Pope Francis is a Jesuit [deceiver].
  • Pope Francis says Yahushua's life "ended in failure."
  • Pope Francis says atheists saved by good works.
  • Pope Francis rejects the Biblical account of Creation
    and promotes evolution.

In this video:
The Saviour or the Antichrist: Who do you trust?

Time: 00:19:29
Downloads: 2271
Comments: 3 
Hits: 8879 

Daniel 11: The Willful King

  • Daniel 11:36-40
  • He shall do according to his will.
  • He shall exalt and magnify himself above all.
  • He shall not regard the "God of his fathers."
  • He shall not regard the desire of woman.
  • He shall honor the "God of forces."

In this video:
The "Willful King" Identified!

Time: 00:13:40
Downloads: 3502
Comments: 1 
Hits: 9555 

Jesuit Masterminds: Hiding the
Flat Earth & the Lunar Sabbath!

The Jesuit Order (Satan's Henchmen):

  • ...is behind some of history's largest deceptions.
  • ...cunningly seeks to hide Yahuwah's Flat Earth.
  • ...deceptively propped up the Gregorian Calendar
    in place of the Biblical Lunar-Solar Calendar.

In this video:
Jesuits seek to hide Flat Earth & Lunar Sabbath!

Time: 00:14:40
Downloads: 3272
Comments: 13 
Hits: 18117 

Sigh, Cry, & Flee!

  • Wolves in sheep's clothing
  • Twisting the Word of Yah
  • Boosting church attendance
  • Imprisoning the flock
  • Laodicean spiritual pride
  • Impending judgment

In this video:
Flee ALL organized religions and denominations!

Time: 00:15:43
Downloads: 2606
Comments: 4 
Hits: 9508 

The Latter Rain is Falling Now!

  • Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Discovering long-buried Truth
  • Increased Light & Understanding
  • Preparation for the Second Coming
  • Living in conformity with revealed light
  • Shunning complacency and discarding error

In this video:
Are you receiving the Latter Rain?

Time: 00:16:58
Downloads: 3088
Comments: 6 
Hits: 18451 

Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

  • The Earth is flat.
  • The Earth is not a globe.
  • Copernicus & Galileo: the Hegelian Dialectic
  • From the Nazis to NASA: the Vatican rules...
  • Jesuits & The Counter Reformation
  • "LUCIFER" & the Coming of Christ

In this video:
Exposing the Greatest Deception of all time!

Time: 00:37:03
Downloads: 4226
Comments: 15 
Hits: 35079 

Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed!

  • 38 noted historical figures confirm...
  • Appalling wickedness of the Jesuits
  • Pope Francis I = 1st Openly Jesuit Pope
  • Jesuits responsible for some of the most
    heinous acts in recorded history.
  • "Society of Jesus" ... Secrets Revealed!

In this video:
Exploring the Satanic identity of the Jesuit Order!

Time: 01:01:22
Downloads: 20177
Comments: 20 
Hits: 63586 

Church Corporations:
Sacrificing Integrity for Money!

  • State controlled churches
  • Misrepresenting Romans 13
  • Conforming to government agenda
  • Spreading government propaganda
  • Censored truth and blind obedience

In this video:
Tax Exempt Churches: Exposing the 501c3 Deception!

Yahushua Vs. Pope Francis:
Who are you going to believe?

  • Pope Francis is a Jesuit [deceiver].
  • Pope Francis says Yahushua's life "ended in failure."
  • Pope Francis says atheists saved by good works.
  • Pope Francis rejects the Biblical account of Creation
    and promotes evolution.

In this video:
The Saviour or the Antichrist: Who do you trust?

Daniel 11: The Willful King

  • Daniel 11:36-40
  • He shall do according to his will.
  • He shall exalt and magnify himself above all.
  • He shall not regard the "God of his fathers."
  • He shall not regard the desire of woman.
  • He shall honor the "God of forces."

In this video:
The "Willful King" Identified!

Jesuit Masterminds: Hiding the
Flat Earth & the Lunar Sabbath!

The Jesuit Order (Satan's Henchmen):

  • ...is behind some of history's largest deceptions.
  • ...cunningly seeks to hide Yahuwah's Flat Earth.
  • ...deceptively propped up the Gregorian Calendar
    in place of the Biblical Lunar-Solar Calendar.

In this video:
Jesuits seek to hide Flat Earth & Lunar Sabbath!

Sigh, Cry, & Flee!

  • Wolves in sheep's clothing
  • Twisting the Word of Yah
  • Boosting church attendance
  • Imprisoning the flock
  • Laodicean spiritual pride
  • Impending judgment

In this video:
Flee ALL organized religions and denominations!

The Latter Rain is Falling Now!

  • Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Discovering long-buried Truth
  • Increased Light & Understanding
  • Preparation for the Second Coming
  • Living in conformity with revealed light
  • Shunning complacency and discarding error

In this video:
Are you receiving the Latter Rain?

Flat Earth: Jesuits & the Global Conspiracy!

  • The Earth is flat.
  • The Earth is not a globe.
  • Copernicus & Galileo: the Hegelian Dialectic
  • From the Nazis to NASA: the Vatican rules...
  • Jesuits & The Counter Reformation
  • "LUCIFER" & the Coming of Christ

In this video:
Exposing the Greatest Deception of all time!

Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed!

  • 38 noted historical figures confirm...
  • Appalling wickedness of the Jesuits
  • Pope Francis I = 1st Openly Jesuit Pope
  • Jesuits responsible for some of the most
    heinous acts in recorded history.
  • "Society of Jesus" ... Secrets Revealed!

In this video:
Exploring the Satanic identity of the Jesuit Order!

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