Charismatic Christians are some of the most committed and joyful people around. Their religion is far more than theory and dry theology to them. They actively seek the joy of the Lord and are frequently blessed to feel His presence. Charismatic believers take Yahuwah at His word and claim by faith many of the blessings promised in the New Testament.
When believers claim Yahuwah’s promises, Satan goes on the attack. He seeks to corrupt the truth by bringing in error. The more subtle the error, the more dangerously deceptive it is to the Christian. This is what can and has happened to many Charismatic believers. It is up to the individual to compare his experience with Scripture and determine if any of the following dangers apply to him.
- Charismatic believers correctly place high value on Biblical authority. They know that “All scripture is given by inspiration of Yah, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of Yah may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) Sadly, “Charismatics are more likely to feel that the written source of authority, the Bible, must be subservient to the living source of authority, the Holy Spirit, who is the source of Christian unity.”1
It is here that Satan leads many astray. Nowhere does Yahuwah authorize anything as superior to His Word. In fact, Scripture asserts: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isaiah 8:20) Emotions are variable and can easily be influenced by health, circumstances, even demonic entities. The one unchanging standard in a changing world is the Word of Yah. To this criterion, every other emotion, belief and experience must be submitted.
- Most Charismatics believe in the Trinity. The Bible makes plain that Yahushua, while born of a virgin, is a human being - not a diety.
- Charismatics correctly understand that Yahuwah has provided spiritual gifts for the edification and up-building of His people and, perhaps more than any other group, claim these promises by faith. Yahuwah rejoices when His people will take Him at His word and claim the rich gifts He has promised for He delights to give good gifts to His children. However, not all who claim to be baptized by the Holy Spirit actually are of the Spirit. It behooves every believer to “try the spirits whether they are of Yahuwah.” (1 John 4:1)
Yahushua has explained how this is to be done: “By their fruits.” (See Matthew 7:15-20.) When read in context, this command encompasses far more than a claimed “baptism of the Spirit.” It has to do with the condition of the inner man. Is it in the heart to obey Yahuwah in all things? Is this inner obedience seen in the actions of the outer life?
- A popular teaching in the charismatic movement is prosperity gospel. It is dangerous to measure one’s (or another’s) spirituality by the amount of health and/or wealth one has or lacks. This was a falsehood taught by the Pharisees that Yahushua repeatedly sought to correct. Scripture records the Prophet Elisha as performing twice the number of miracles done by the Prophet Elijah – more than anyone else in Scripture save that of the Messiah Himself. And yet, rather than being taken to Heaven in glory like Elijah, Elisha died of a lingering illness.
Furthermore, suffering and affliction can be schoolmasters, used by Yah to “make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” (1 Peter 5:10)
- Charismatics teach that the redeemed will inherit Heaven. Scripture, however, teaches that immortality in the earth made new is the reward of the saints.
All error separates the soul from the Father. Yahuwah invites His charismatic children to carefully weigh their beliefs and practices with the Scriptures, the only safe guide, and lay aside everything that is not in keeping with His Word.
1 Professor David Smith, Providence Theological seminary,