The Bahá’í Faith is the second fastest growing religion in the world as well as the second most wide-spread independent religion on earth. This is not surprising considering the high standards and beautiful truths found in the Bahá’í principles of faith that attract sincere, honest-minded truth seekers.
Nevertheless, the command to flee Babylon exempts no organized religion. The following list reveals certain areas where an incorrect emphasis keeps Bahá’ís from embracing the fullness of truth:
- Two of the three core principles of the Bahá’í Faith are correct. However, the second principle, focusing on unity of religion, is slightly intermingled with error. While it is true that all religions contain some truth through which the Creator (Yahuwah) can reach the sincere of heart, it is not correct that all religions come from Him.
Religion has frequently, throughout history, been used to control the masses. Those who have sought to do so, have needed to entwine error with truth in order for the error to deceive. Error is so weak that the only way it can deceive is to be entwined with truth. Therefore, while all religions contain some truth, no religions are free of error and some contain more error than others.
- The belief that the soul continues after death in a spiritual world contradicts the truths that the All-Knowing One has revealed. Souls are not immortal for only the Creator has immortality, natural and underived: “[Yahuwah] is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Master of Masters, who alone has immortality.” (1 Timothy 6:15, 16)
- The All-Powerful Creator has revealed that Heaven is a very literal place.
- Hell, likewise, is more than a state of spiritual separation from the Creator. His Word reveals that all who reject and rebel against the Creator will die the second death (from which there is no resurrection) and even death and hell itself will be destroyed.
- Yahushua (Jesus) is far more than merely one of a series of Manifestations of God. He is the only one who is the “only begotten Son” of Yahuwah. Salvation, character restoration and oneness with the Father are available ONLY through the Son, whom to know is life eternal. (John 17:3)
- Bahá’ís have a religious calendar by which they commemorate important days in their religion. While there is nothing inherently sinful at designing one’s own method of time-keeping, it does not supersede the calendar established by Yahuwah at Creation or the obligation to worship on the true Sabbath.
Likewise, commemorating important events is part of remembering times that are important. But, again, such anniversaries do not take the place of the holy days established by Yahuwah. Regardless of the calendar one uses or the anniversaries commemorated, Yahuwah’s Sabbaths, New Moons and annual feast days are to be calculated by the luni-solar calendar of Creation and reverently observed for they are statutes that are binding “forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.” (Leviticus 23:14)
The All-Loving Heavenly Father now invites His children of the Bahá’í Faith to step free of the errors that have held them back from total truth and enter into an intimate relationship with Him that will fulfill the deepest longings of the human heart.