While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!
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WLC deeply appreciates your heartfelt "Thank You" for receiving the free book set and The Pilgrim's Progress MP3. We strongly desire for these precious resources to be enjoyed by as many people around the world as possible as they will prove most invaluable for those who are preparing themselves to stand blameless at the Second Coming of Yahushua.
4240 members have written testimonials of their gratitude for the FREE Membership Gifts and countless others have emailed us directly about how these resources positively impacted their lives. Your kind words of appreciation will go a long way to encourage others to join WLC to receive these same gifts. WLC kindly thanks you for your help!
Written by: Michael Clements United States
Thank you for these wonderful books ,being an ex-SDA it helped and gave me information I needed to understand.The Creator leads us to a little truth at a time until we get the big picture.It was no accident that I was lead to this site,Since I have started a WLC group on Seen Life site similar to Facebook,so far 7 people have join hopefully they will join this community.
Written by: Jack Ittera India
GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN: INFINITELY PRICELESS INDEED! And so is WLC’s free gift set aptly titled “GOD’S LOVE FOR MAN”, consisting of the four books THE LAST CALL, IN THE BEGINNING, THE DESIRE OF AGES, HEAVEN’S HEALING and THE PILGRIM’S PROGRESS CD. For those who hunger and thirst for Yahuwah’s righteousness, truth and love these books will lead to a process of inquiry, discovery and research into all truth, prophecies and revelations which will direct us all to Yahuwah’s magnanimous love, Yahushua’s perfect and priceless sacrifice, His invaluable saving grace and His powerful Spirit. And this surely shall be the greatest reward of our high calling, the knowledge of Yahushua and Yahuwah the true and living Eloah! For this, this truly is eternal life!
Written by: Sergey Kostyuchenko Ukraine
Thank you for the wonderful gift. These amazing books miraculously stimulate more in-depth study in the knowledge of the truth. I am very grateful to WLC.
Written by: NEEMA MAKOKO United States
Thank you for the gift i received it helped me to read and accomplished ecourse Neema Makoko
Written by: NEEMA MAKOKO United States
Thank you for the gift i received it helped me to read and accomplished ecourse Neema Makoko
Written by: Denzel Mthokozisi Makombe Zimbabwe
I would to thank you so much for the package you sent me. It has helped me in a wonderful way and my Spiritual life has improved greatly through these books and the CD. Thank you WLC.
Written by: fenan nahak Indonesia
I would to thank you so much for the package you sent me. It has helped me in a wonderful way and my Spiritual life has improved greatly through these books and the CD. Thank you WLC. It is so bless me.
Written by: Stan Osborne South Africa
What a blessing the gift is to me and my family. May Father bless you for WLC. This site has made me aware of the truths of our Father's Name. The Godhead and calendar. Now with the flat earth as part of WLC. What a blessing. Back to the free gift set; Thank you, Thank you!!!!
Written by: Antares Putra Indonesia
Since around 2010, I've heard many things from WLC, even I studied them since a couple of months ago. By studying WLC, I hope that we, The Almighty's children, will receive the Good News and share them to others. Invite others to learn the truth about our Creator and His Son. Feel free to be part of WLC member. Each one of us welcomes you!
Written by: Frieda Karamoy United States
I'm so thankful for being led through WLC. Thank you for free registration to be able to access the E-Course which are all so beneficial for spiritual knowledge and growth. It's just amazing!!! Not only that, and I also have received the two boxes with books as promised, two sets in two boxes., one set in each box. The books are wonderful!!! Thank you for through WLC, I have found the truth. Blessings of Yahiwah to be yours all.., and all of us.
Written by: Kresta Ryka Galvan Philippines
I received the books and personally I am grateful. Although it was written in Tagalog which I am not very fluent and to which I have slow comprehension beside the fact that I am a Filipino. I was just used to reading material in English. But still, I am very happy to have received the books. Thank you and may our Heavenly Father bless you more.
Written by: Joseph Oyedele Nigeria
I am very greatful that I was created in the image of God. He is the uncreated creator , He knows the intentions of every living creation and He responds to every man intention but by His mercy we are not consumed by the daily evil activities around us. Your books which I received some years ago opened my eyes to life issues that only need God surverenty power to handle. The wisdom of God enlightens the hearts of men unto righteousness. The purpose of every man existence is to glorify God on earth by exhibiting His a genders for men on earth. I bless God for being part of those who enjoy the gift of your books
Written by: nestor bernil jr Philippines
thank you, i am really exited to read and still hope while waiting for free books..
Written by: rafael raya rua Indonesia
Terima kasih Tuhan. Semoga WLC ini bisa menjadi berkat bagi semua bangsa..
Written by: Sugeng Suryanto Indonesia
Thank you, WLC... I am so blessed by the books you sent to me.. I always pray for all staffs of WLC, and God's name will be lifted higher through the ministry. Good luck & God bless you. Love from Indonesia.
Written by: Calvin Singini Malawi
glory to God for the inspiring books,i used to be an alcoholic and all that,i quit completely and now i love God by studying His words,may He forever dwell in my heart in this sinful world as we are awaiting His second coming
Written by: akinrotola lucus Nigeria
I am so grateful about the free membership gift given to me by WLC, especially book 4, I was reading it one reading and mediating on it when my Uncle saw and he read it and glory be to God, after he finished reading it,;his life changed positively. I appreciate Yahweh and thanks to WLC organization. thank you and God bless you!
Written by: Joseph Morris India
This is a wonderful site and thank you for the gifts
Written by: Aleksa Lavrova
hi i m really thankfull to wlc for sending me a grate reward...........
Written by: daniel swiger United States
the book set was very eye opening and a great thing to look over with the wife thanks so much would deff recommend it to all others.
Written by: 영호 김
9, Baengnyeon-daero 337beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do, 530-822 Rep. of KOREA
Written by: akinrotola lucus Nigeria
I am very very happy to read those 4 books. I borrowed my friend and he don't want to return them back to me, in a nutshell, I am really really happy and appreciate. may God continue to bless you all and more grace!
Written by: Matt Pyatte United States
I just received my free book set today! Thank you so so much wlc! I love this so much and I can't wait to start reading these amazing books! May Yahuwah continue to bless you guys each and every day. Thank you for all that you have done for us, for sharing all the good truth you guys have found, you guys are a life changer, I thank Yahuwah each and every day for leading me to your website of truth. Praise Yahuwah, HalleluYah!
Written by: Rita Dileo United States
Thank you so much I have received the four books today and cant wait to read them with a open mind..I will keep you updated. So grateful thanks
Written by: nate ott United States
This changed my life in so many ways. Thank you so much for your inspiration.
Written by: Ioan Tanase United States
Thank You WLC for the amazing Information and the great YouTube Videos that are amazingly entertaining to watch.
Written by: Londa Love United States
I have been deeply blessed by these books and your ministry. Thank you!
Written by: Osvaldo Saavedra Chile
if we do love love we do love life and exist an so we do love yahuawah !
Written by: Andrew St. Clair United States
Thank you, WLC, for these great free gifts! I look forward to reading in these great books, especially the health one! May Yahuwah bless you for your great work in ministry. Also, thanks for the pilgrims progress mp3 and the tracts. Brethren, be encouraged!
Written by: David Kolobe South Africa
I received my free gift on exactly 31st Dec 2015, that cannot be a co-incident, God wants me to start the new year on a high note...............Thank you WLC team, may the Almighty God bless you abundantly. I plead with everyone to pray with me to be teachable(by the God's Spirit) as I study these books.