Bible Prophecy, Bible Studies, Videos, Articles, & Much Much More!
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While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
Biblical Christian Videos
Three Months in a Row | Part 1
Scripture outlines 3 identical months in a row
Exodus | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
Roman Gregorian calendar is a fraud
Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Yahuwah's TRUE calendar revealed!
Downloads: 146743
Language: English
Wolves in sheep's clothing
Twisting the Word of Yah
Boosting church attendance
Imprisoning the flock
Laodicean spiritual pride
Impending judgment
In this video:
Flee ALL organized religions and denominations!
Downloads: 2731
Language: English
Hurricane Irma
The largest hurricane recorded in the Atlantic
The island of Nevis in the Caribbean
A Yah-fearing couple with 3 children
Abiding in the shadow of the Almighty
In this video:
A testimony of Yahuwah’s mercy and protection!
Downloads: 2424
Language: English
WLC - Who we are:
An international community
Followers of Yahushua
Preparing for the 2nd Coming
Revealing Biblical Prophecy
Using video to spread the Word
Offering FREE Merchandise
951 Videos in 29 Languages
Help us spread the word.
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Once Saved, Always Saved?
Can salvation be forfeited?
Do we truly have free will?
Can the “saved” really sin?
Can we fall from grace?
In this video:
Eternal Security: Is it truly Biblical?
Time: 00:18:23
Downloads: 3004
How does Scripture define sin?
Should we keep the 10 Commandments?
What does it mean to be "under grace"?
What does it mean to be "under the law"?
Is commandment-keeping legalism?
How is our relationship with Yahushua made evident?
In this video:
What it truly means to be "under grace"!
Time: 00:09:46
Downloads: 3577
Slain in the Spirit...
Evidence of Salvation?
Demonic Manifestations?
The Work of the Holy Spirit?
Resembling the Meek and Lowly One?
In this video:
"Slain in the Spirit" Exposed!
Time: 00:15:32
Downloads: 3245
Lie: Wealth is a sign of Yahuwah’s favor.
Lie: Poverty is a sign of Yahuwah's disapproval.
Lie: Abrahamic covenant is material entitlement.
Lie: Faith is a self-generated spiritual force that
leads to temporal prosperity.
In this video:
The Prosperity Gospel Exposed!
Time: 00:19:11
Downloads: 3102
Understanding Romans 14
"Esteeming one day above another..."
"Let each be fully convinced in his own mind."
Is Seventh-Day Sabbath observance still binding?
Should Christians observe the Annual Feasts?
Did Yahushua do away with the Law?
In this video:
Romans 14: What was Paul really saying?
Time: 00:14:01
Downloads: 3099
"How is it that you turn again to the weak and
beggarly elements, to which you desire again to
be in bondage? You observe days and months
and seasons and years." (Galatians 4:9-10)
What are these "weak and beggarly elements"?
In this video:
Were the Sabbaths & Feasts nailed to the cross?
Time: 00:14:13
Downloads: 3145
Total Depravity/Inability
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints
Eternal Security
In this video:
Predestination: A Destructive & Unbiblical Doctrine!
Time: 00:19:09
Downloads: 2857
Three Days & Three Nights
Jonah: In the Belly of the Great Fish
Yahushua: In the Heart of the Earth
Yahushua... Crucified on the Sixth Day
Yahushua... Resurrected on the First Day
When does the count begin?
In this video:
The "sign of the prophet Jonah" explained!
Time: 00:20:28
Downloads: 3126
An eternally burning "hell" is NOT Biblical.
Yahuwah, Himself, is a consuming fire.
The eternal burnings of Yah's presence
consume away all sin and selfishness.
The redeemed will forever rejoice in this fire.
In this video:
The Mystery of "Eternal Fire" according to Scripture!
Time: 00:18:05
Downloads: 4449
Replacing Bible Truth with modern Pharisaism...
Supporting the Zionist agenda...
Peppering the speech with Hebrew...
Giving money to rebuild the temple...
Modern "Jews" are not the ultimate authority
on what is pleasing to Yahuwah.
In this video:
Messianic Judaism: A Growing Deception!
Time: 00:23:20
Downloads: 3909
Is there consciousness after death?
Can the dead see us? ...and hear us?
Can the dead communicate with us?
Does the soul truly die with the body?
Séances, trances, Ouija boards & mediums
Demons, devils, & fallen angels
In this video:
The Bible Truth about talking to the dead!
Time: 00:10:31
Downloads: 43304
Colossians 2 - ANSWERS
Are Sabbaths & New Moons still binding?
What is the "handwriting of requirements"?
What does it mean to be free in Yahushua?
What is meant by "Let no one judge you in
food, drink, . . . a New Moon or Sabbaths"?
In this video:
Colossians 2: What was nailed to the cross?
Time: 00:12:21
Downloads: 245803
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