While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Biblical Christian Videos

Three Months in a Row | Part 6

  • Promised Land | Creator's calendar confirmed
  • Manna ceases the day after the Sabbath
  • Sabbath | Same calendar dates each month
  • Roman Gregorian calendar is a fraud
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Details of Promised Land confirm TRUE Sabbath!
Time: 00:09:23
Downloads: 92841
Comments: 25 
Hits: 323840 

Three Months in a Row | Part 5

  • Mt. Sinai | Yahuwah confirms His calendar
  • The third identical month in a row
  • New Moon Day = 1st day of each month
  • Sabbath can't be found on Gregorian calendar
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Third identical month confirms TRUE Sabbath!
Time: 00:05:18
Downloads: 67263
Comments: 29 
Hits: 212156 

Three Months in a Row | Part 4

  • Manna | Yahuwah confirms His calendar
  • One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sabbath observation = daylight hours only
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Falling Manna reveals the Creator's Calendar!
Time: 00:08:44
Downloads: 56619
Comments: 80 
Hits: 189162 

Three Months in a Row | Part 3

  • Passover | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
  • High Sabbaths confirm luni-solar calendar
  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Passover/Crucifixion details reveal TRUE Sabbath!
Time: 00:07:58
Downloads: 176252
Comments: 22 
Hits: 600148 

Three Months in a Row | Part 2

  • Passover | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
  • The key that unlocks the Creator's calendation
  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Details of Passover reveal the Creator's Calendar!
Time: 00:06:45
Downloads: 78514
Comments: 27 
Hits: 247350 

Three Months in a Row | Part 1

  • Scripture outlines 3 identical months in a row
  • Exodus | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Roman Gregorian calendar is a fraud
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Yahuwah's TRUE calendar revealed!
Time: 00:09:50
Downloads: 146650
Comments: 84 
Hits: 240428 

Three Months in a Row | Part 6

  • Promised Land | Creator's calendar confirmed
  • Manna ceases the day after the Sabbath
  • Sabbath | Same calendar dates each month
  • Roman Gregorian calendar is a fraud
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Details of Promised Land confirm TRUE Sabbath!

Three Months in a Row | Part 5

  • Mt. Sinai | Yahuwah confirms His calendar
  • The third identical month in a row
  • New Moon Day = 1st day of each month
  • Sabbath can't be found on Gregorian calendar
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Third identical month confirms TRUE Sabbath!

Three Months in a Row | Part 4

  • Manna | Yahuwah confirms His calendar
  • One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sabbath observation = daylight hours only
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Falling Manna reveals the Creator's Calendar!

Three Months in a Row | Part 3

  • Passover | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
  • High Sabbaths confirm luni-solar calendar
  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Passover/Crucifixion details reveal TRUE Sabbath!

Three Months in a Row | Part 2

  • Passover | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
  • The key that unlocks the Creator's calendation
  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Details of Passover reveal the Creator's Calendar!

Three Months in a Row | Part 1

  • Scripture outlines 3 identical months in a row
  • Exodus | Yahuwah reinstates His calendar
  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Roman Gregorian calendar is a fraud
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Yahuwah's TRUE calendar revealed!

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