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While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
Biblical Christian Videos
38 noted historical figures confirm...
Appalling wickedness of the Jesuits
Pope Francis I = 1st Openly Jesuit Pope
Jesuits responsible for some of the most
heinous acts in recorded history.
"Society of Jesus" ... Secrets Revealed!
In this video:
Exploring the Satanic identity of the Jesuit Order!
Downloads: 20230
Language: English
Most Perilous Spiritual Darkness =
Arrogant/Laodicean assumption that one has all light
DANGER: Many Independent Ministries are today
using their perceived authority as light-bearers to
influence their followers to reject advancing light.
In this video:
Be a follower of TRUTH, not an ORGANIZATION!
Downloads: 2994
Language: English
An unusual name
A divine name
Power in the name
Promise in the name
Unshakable faith
In this video:
Call upon the name of Yahuwah!
Downloads: 2204
Language: English
WLC - Who we are:
An international community
Followers of Yahushua
Preparing for the 2nd Coming
Revealing Biblical Prophecy
Using video to spread the Word
Offering FREE Merchandise
951 Videos in 29 Languages
Help us spread the word.
Download these videos and share with your friends!
The Calendar Problem
The Final Test
The Seven Trumpets
The End of the World
The Urgent Decision
In this video:
The Coming Conflict: Are you prepared?
Time: 00:07:57
Downloads: 2478
The Sabbath is binding on Christians today.
“The Handwriting of requirements” that was
against us is NOT the 10 Commandments.
Worshipping every day does not negate the
requirements of the Sabbath Commandment.
In this video:
All days are not the same according to Scripture!
Time: 00:16:33
Downloads: 2266
New Moons are non-commerce days.
New Moons are days of Thanksgiving.
New Moons are days of worship.
The Creator’s Calendar is luni-solar.
“Translation Day” is the 30th day of a lunation.
In this video:
New Moons & Translation Days explained!
Time: 00:16:17
Downloads: 2710
Date of the Crucifixion
Admissions of Jewish Scholars
Admissions of Catholic Scholars
The Julian Calendar & Planetary Week
The Man-Made International Date Line
In this video:
Irrefutable Proof: Saturday is NOT the Sabbath!
Time: 00:35:54
Downloads: 2795
The International Date Line is man-made,
imaginary, arbitrary, and moveable.
To zealously proclaim sola scriptura while making
Yahuwah's feast days subservient to the man-made
International Date Line is utterly inconsistent.
In this video:
Proving the falsehood of a continuous weekly cycle!
Time: 00:23:01
Downloads: 2456
Death of Yahushua
Joseph requests the body
Pilate grants permission
Joseph prepares for burial
Burial, Sabbath Rest, & Resurrection
In this video:
The Sabbath Day begins at Dawn! Want Proof?
Time: 00:27:22
Downloads: 3173
In the fourth century, Hillel II modified
the Biblical Calendar!
Jews worship on Saturday because
Talmudic law justifies the act.
True Sabbath NOT on modern calendar!
In this video:
Hillel II transfers Sabbath observance to Saturday!
Time: 00:20:39
Downloads: 3817
Constantine... standardized the planetary week,
making Sunday the first day of the week.
Constantine... exalted dies Solis (Sunday)
as worship day for pagans and Christians.
Constantine... exalted Easter over Passover.
In this video:
Constantine outlaws the Biblical Calendar!
Time: 00:17:46
Downloads: 4650
Daniel's "70 Weeks" (Daniel 9)
Crucifixion in Spring of 31 AD
Crucifixion on 14th day of lunar month
Crucifixion on 6th day of the week
Crucifixion NOT on a "Friday"!
In this video:
Ancient Prophecy proves Lunar Sabbath!
Time: 00:16:44
Downloads: 3856
Millions wrongly assume Saturday is the Bible
Sabbath because it is when the Jews worship.
Jewish scholars acknowledge that Saturday is
not the ancient, original Sabbath of Scripture.
Gregorian Calendar IS NOT Yahuwah's Calendar.
Saturday IS NOT the Bible Sabbath!
In this video:
The forgotten cover up!
Time: 00:18:04
Downloads: 4502
Restoration of Yahuwah's Calendar
Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
Most elegant & precise of all calendars
The Biblical calendar is luni-solar
Modern solar calendar is a counterfeit
Restoring the TRUE 7th Day Sabbath
In this video:
The Original Calendar established at Creation!
Time: 00:08:44
Downloads: 290412
New Moon Days = A distinct class of
worship days all by themselves
A time for reflection, contemplation, and
examination of one’s spiritual health
A time to seek forgiveness for past
failings and help for the coming month
In this video:
New Moon Day... the glorious gift of Yahuwah!
Time: 00:16:14
Downloads: 10462
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