While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Biblical Christian Videos

Resurrection: Easter? or First Fruits?

  • Is Easter a Biblical celebration?
  • Was the Saviour truly resurrected on
    Easter Sunday?
  • Did the apostles celebrate Easter?
  • Why do most professed Christians today
    worship on Sunday?

In this video:
Examination of Easter & its deceptive significance!

Time: 00:13:53
Downloads: 37888
Comments: 28 
Hits: 51908 

The International Date Line:

  • Is a fairly recent man-made invention
  • Is completely arbitrary
  • Can be and has been moved at will
  • Disproves the continuous weekly cycle
  • Requires a one-day adjustment to reconcile
    East and West.

In this video:
The "Continuous Weekly Cycle" is proven FALSE!

Time: 00:14:58
Downloads: 157707
Comments: 25 
Hits: 131586 

Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 3

  • Does luni-solar calendar work at N & S poles?
  • Does the Talmud disprove a lunar Sabbath?
  • Why do some Roman historians refer to Israelites
    refusing to fight on "the day of Saturn"?
  • Does Pentecost count disprove a lunar Sabbath?
  • Does "Sabbath" definition prove Saturday . . .?

In this video:
Learn the answers to these questions and more!

Time: 00:34:51
Downloads: 46849
Comments: 21 
Hits: 56036 

Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 2

  • Does the Luni-Solar Calendar have "non-days"?
  • Does the Exodus disprove the lunar Sabbath?
  • Does the Sabbath "float" through the week?
  • 7th day called "Sabbath" in many languages?
  • Is New Moon Day the same as a Sabbath?
  • Did early Christians observe lunar Sabbaths?

In this video:
Learn the answers to these questions and more!

Time: 00:24:42
Downloads: 37652
Comments: 38 
Hits: 59286 

Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 1

  • Would Yahuwah allow the Sabbath to be lost?
  • Has the weekly cycle ever been interrupted?
  • Do you ever get 8-9 days between Sabbaths?
  • Does John 7-9 prove a Saturday Sabbath?
  • Do the Jews not worship on the true Sabbath?
  • Does the Bible truly vindicate a lunar Sabbath?

In this video:
Learn the answers to these questions and more!

Time: 00:30:00
Downloads: 124439
Comments: 134 
Hits: 146694 

Easter | The Pagan Passover

  • One of the most beloved Christian holidays
  • The TRUE origins and history of Easter
  • Pagan substitute for Biblical Passover
  • In ignorance, worshiping the 'queen of heaven'
  • Corruption of the once-pure Apostolic faith
  • Calendar fraud and Sunday exaltation
In this video:
Pagan Easter: Usurping the Biblical Passover!
Time: 00:13:45
Downloads: 134017
Comments: 59 
Hits: 137074 

When Does a Day Begin?

  • Satan has stolen worship due to the Creator
  • Jews & SDAs begin their day at sunset
  • Creation week began with "Let there be light"
  • The sun was given to rule over the day
  • Yahushua: "Are there not 12 hours in a day?"
  • Restoring the TRUE Sabbath Day
In this video:
When the BIBLE says a day begins!
Time: 00:15:01
Downloads: 457548
Comments: 115 
Hits: 712916 

Christmas | Origin & Traditions

  • Christmas has nothing to do with Yahushua
  • Gives honor to the blood-thirsty god, Saturn
  • Pagan Roman Feast of Saturnalia
  • Paganism & human sacrifice
  • Santa, gifts, cards, candles, mistletoe, etc.
  • Father Time & Baby New Year
In this video:
The pagan origins of Christmas!
Time: 00:14:47
Downloads: 340036
Comments: 108 
Hits: 625035 

Heaven's Holy Days

  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Worship Days | Weekly, Monthly, & Yearly
  • Scripture lists 9 times appointed for worship
  • ALL Holy Days are calculated by the moon
  • Weekly cycle restarts with each New Moon
  • Sabbath: Same calendar dates each month
In this video:
Heaven's Divinely Designed Calendar!
Time: 00:11:14
Downloads: 220338
Comments: 35 
Hits: 325049 

Julian Calendar History

  • Has the weekly cycle ever been interrupted?
  • Have the worship days been changed?
  • How many days in a Julian calendar week?
  • What calendar did Yahushua use?
  • Is Saturday truly the Bible Sabbath?
  • Was Yahushua truly resurrected on a Sunday?
In this video:
The truth about the days of the week now in use!
Time: 00:05:37
Downloads: 259369
Comments: 45 
Hits: 372989 

Three Months in a Row | Trailer

  • The modern Roman calendar is a fraud
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Scripture outlines 3 identical months in a row
  • Weekly cycle restarts with each New Moon
  • Sabbaths fall on the same dates each month
In this video:
Intro to the Three Months in a Row 7-part Series
Time: 00:02:32
Downloads: 222585
Comments: 49 
Hits: 503780 

Three Months in a Row | Part 7

  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sabbath observation = daylight hours only
  • New Moon Day = 1st day of each month
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Summary of the Three Months in a Row Series
Time: 00:08:20
Downloads: 185516
Comments: 40 
Hits: 347351 

Resurrection: Easter? or First Fruits?

  • Is Easter a Biblical celebration?
  • Was the Saviour truly resurrected on
    Easter Sunday?
  • Did the apostles celebrate Easter?
  • Why do most professed Christians today
    worship on Sunday?

In this video:
Examination of Easter & its deceptive significance!

The International Date Line:

  • Is a fairly recent man-made invention
  • Is completely arbitrary
  • Can be and has been moved at will
  • Disproves the continuous weekly cycle
  • Requires a one-day adjustment to reconcile
    East and West.

In this video:
The "Continuous Weekly Cycle" is proven FALSE!

Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 3

  • Does luni-solar calendar work at N & S poles?
  • Does the Talmud disprove a lunar Sabbath?
  • Why do some Roman historians refer to Israelites
    refusing to fight on "the day of Saturn"?
  • Does Pentecost count disprove a lunar Sabbath?
  • Does "Sabbath" definition prove Saturday . . .?

In this video:
Learn the answers to these questions and more!

Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 2

  • Does the Luni-Solar Calendar have "non-days"?
  • Does the Exodus disprove the lunar Sabbath?
  • Does the Sabbath "float" through the week?
  • 7th day called "Sabbath" in many languages?
  • Is New Moon Day the same as a Sabbath?
  • Did early Christians observe lunar Sabbaths?

In this video:
Learn the answers to these questions and more!

Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 1

  • Would Yahuwah allow the Sabbath to be lost?
  • Has the weekly cycle ever been interrupted?
  • Do you ever get 8-9 days between Sabbaths?
  • Does John 7-9 prove a Saturday Sabbath?
  • Do the Jews not worship on the true Sabbath?
  • Does the Bible truly vindicate a lunar Sabbath?

In this video:
Learn the answers to these questions and more!

Easter | The Pagan Passover

  • One of the most beloved Christian holidays
  • The TRUE origins and history of Easter
  • Pagan substitute for Biblical Passover
  • In ignorance, worshiping the 'queen of heaven'
  • Corruption of the once-pure Apostolic faith
  • Calendar fraud and Sunday exaltation
In this video:
Pagan Easter: Usurping the Biblical Passover!

When Does a Day Begin?

  • Satan has stolen worship due to the Creator
  • Jews & SDAs begin their day at sunset
  • Creation week began with "Let there be light"
  • The sun was given to rule over the day
  • Yahushua: "Are there not 12 hours in a day?"
  • Restoring the TRUE Sabbath Day
In this video:
When the BIBLE says a day begins!

Christmas | Origin & Traditions

  • Christmas has nothing to do with Yahushua
  • Gives honor to the blood-thirsty god, Saturn
  • Pagan Roman Feast of Saturnalia
  • Paganism & human sacrifice
  • Santa, gifts, cards, candles, mistletoe, etc.
  • Father Time & Baby New Year
In this video:
The pagan origins of Christmas!

Heaven's Holy Days

  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Worship Days | Weekly, Monthly, & Yearly
  • Scripture lists 9 times appointed for worship
  • ALL Holy Days are calculated by the moon
  • Weekly cycle restarts with each New Moon
  • Sabbath: Same calendar dates each month
In this video:
Heaven's Divinely Designed Calendar!

Julian Calendar History

  • Has the weekly cycle ever been interrupted?
  • Have the worship days been changed?
  • How many days in a Julian calendar week?
  • What calendar did Yahushua use?
  • Is Saturday truly the Bible Sabbath?
  • Was Yahushua truly resurrected on a Sunday?
In this video:
The truth about the days of the week now in use!

Three Months in a Row | Trailer

  • The modern Roman calendar is a fraud
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Scripture outlines 3 identical months in a row
  • Weekly cycle restarts with each New Moon
  • Sabbaths fall on the same dates each month
In this video:
Intro to the Three Months in a Row 7-part Series

Three Months in a Row | Part 7

  • Sun, moon, & stars appointed for time-keeping
  • Scriptural day begins at dawn
  • Sabbath observation = daylight hours only
  • New Moon Day = 1st day of each month
  • Sunday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
  • Saturday is NOT the Bible Sabbath
In this video:
Summary of the Three Months in a Row Series

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