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Feast Days vs. Beast Days:
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Foundational: WLC believes that Yahuwah’s faithful must have a firm grasp on these subjects, as they are fundamental to the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints. A clear understanding of what the Bible teaches on these subjects will enable believers to live victoriously and see through the relentless wiles of the enemy.
Non-Foundational: While incredibly important, these subjects are secondary to the “Foundational” doctrines. Many of the “non-foundational” subjects pertain to practical piety. They are designed to aid the sincere truth-seeker (you!) in pursuing a closer walk with Father Yahuwah and the Lord Yahushua. Other subjects in this section (e.g., Bible Prophecy) pertain to areas where there is often disagreement between brothers and sisters in the faith, but which should not be allowed to become a divisive issue. In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. And in all things, love.