While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
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Written by: Samson Oyetade Nigeria
I received my copies of the wonderful text yesterday. Thank you. As the Lord has found you faithful in this commission,I see the stage is set for the second coming of our great God and all men shall have no escuse Rm 1:20. I praise for grace to me more steadfast so we can sing together with the angels of God when He comes for the faithfuls. Samson Oyetade, Nigeria
Written by: oluwadamilola olajide Nigeria
My name is dami,i appreciate ur goodworks concerning the gospel.i wonder what really cause the fight in rev 12:11 but i thank God for WLC for explaining it in the book titled"in the beginning",heavens healing has really help my eating habit infact i can't begin to mention all because it is too much.Lastly it's a great oppurtunity recieving your books
Written by: Charlotte Arries South Africa
Thank you very much wlc for the books I recieved its been a real blessing!
Written by: ana piedad Philippines
thank you!
Written by: Benjamin Andoh Ghana
I'm so grateful for inspirational books you sent me. God bless you so much. Much as I'm thanking you I will also plead with you if you can please send me a quantity of the Holy Book so I can give out to my fellow Christian who have now accepted Christ. Always my spirit grieve whenever they come to church without holding the Holy Scripture. Please assist me reach out to them and I for sure it's not going to be in vain.- From BEN, Accra Ghana
Written by: polash loing India
Thank you wlc for your xcelent percel.thanks to you very much.
Written by: osayi aghimien Nigeria
your books has been a greater powerful tool for me thanks very much may God keep on providing for you people
Written by: Siboniso Nkambule Swaziland
I thnk my Lord, challeges nd wrng habits flush bank in my life, but the holy spirit, my consellor perfect me and he don't want me to remain down. I thank my king nd Lord Jesus for his blood nd his mercy he shows me each and everyday. Ths journey s not mine i am wt the Lord, the Son nd the holy spirit.
Written by: Laharni Barcenas Saudi Arabia
To: WLC I received your free books yesterday Nov.09,2009 & I thank you very much for this wonderful gift of informations from your goodwill.My co-employees here in Yanbu who have seen the books are curious and seems to be interested of having it, too.
Written by: rakuvi poumai India
I was born in a Christian family. From my very childhood i know about Jesus yet i never accept him as my Personal saviour. In practice i can say i was good. I obey my mother (my father past away when i was very young), elders. etc. I never thought that one day i will study theology. My aim in life was to become a succesful Doctor. Yet God has a special plan for me. It was in the year 2003, i attend one Music service. The message of the speaker take away my heart. I beleive God spoke to me
Written by: joivanie gucor Philippines
even the WLC, differ my belief, the important is this: " they still be keeping Sabbath of the Lord as mark of thier son!" (Ezekiel.20:12,20)
Written by: Vara Domoika Fiji
Thankyou WLC for sending me the books.It has been a blessing to me. May God bless you.I love you all.
Written by: Ratu Poasa Veidreyaki Fiji
Thank you so much WLC for the books you guys sent, if I had to guy those books from our local book store it would be costly. May God continue to bless WLC!!
Written by: Ajay Narjinary India
Thanks a lot WLC for sending me the books as a gift, I hope it will help me to grow in the Lord more and more. Ajay Narjinary, INDIA.
Written by: Genoveva Genovyn Cusi Philippines
Thank u so much WLC!
Written by: Olufemi Daniel Nigeria
once again my testimonies abounds concerning the reality i draw from the book the 'the last call'. it is so revealing and gives hope that the word of God is forever living... Doa
Written by: miguel borquez United States
Written by: Nangah Azibo Cameroon
Thank you WLC. I have received the books. Nangah Lemuel Azibo AGFBamenda
Written by: Thomas Francis Nigeria
Thanks alot for your heavenly gift, I pray it will help me grow in faith and strengh t to keep going and waiting for christ comming i received the gift of books well heartily and it came at the right time. thanks alot....
Written by: Lalrinpuia Renthlei India
I was born up from a Christian family. At my birth time, my parents sacrificed me to God as His servant. Actually in the beginning, I did not accept which my parents want me to do. Then, I tried to go away from God many times, but I couldn't. Because, our God is the One God who is present everywhere, He who can do everything, who can make everything that He wants. From that time onwards, I never tried to go away from Him. Now, I'm studying theology at Serampore College, West Bengal, India.
Written by: Roy Zacharia India
Heavens Healing, its a superb book. Thanks WLC
Written by: Myra Dagucducan Philippines
Shalom! I would like to say thank you very much for the 4 books that u have sent in tagalog version. I will read these books again, thank u so much and Godbless!
Written by: Solomon Varun India
I thank Jesus for introducing me this God's chosen site
Written by: lizeth mendoza United States
Written by: Vijay Bhasker Marneni Great Britain
Thank you WLC as I have recived the beautiful gift from you. Praise to God.
Written by: Mataiti Saunia New Zealand
Hi my name is Mataiti I received the free books you send. Thank you as I do believe they have very valuable message in it for me. I live in New Zealand. I will cetainly treasure these books and will share it others.
Written by: yohan oody India
Thank you to wlc.
Written by: Adilson De Pina United States
The Book set is just amazing. After I received, now I am spreading the worldslastchance website every where. For, the most especial of them, is the heaven's healing. Thanks.
Written by: Varun Tiwari India
this book should place all the Christian library. varun
Written by: THE NGUYEN VAN Vietnam
thank for the books that I just received from WLC Team. those books help me alot