Pope Francis claims to be the infallible representative of Yahushua. A careful examination of his statements, compared with Scripture, reveals a character, a lifestyle, and a theology that is the very antithesis of the Saviour.
Heaven’s message to the final generation is to flee all organized religions and denominations. Religious leaders, however, have a vested interest in keeping people coming to church. They have used the eighth and ninth chapters of Ezekiel to make people think they have a duty to remain members even when it is clear the church is in apostasy!
Sincere Christians have anticipated with longing the “Latter Rain,” or the promised “refreshing” of the Holy Spirit that they expect will get them ready to give the Loud Cry until the return of Yahushua to set up the kingdom of heaven on earth. However, we now know that scripture provides no ‘signs of the times’ as to when He will return. An overlooked verse in Deuteronomy reveals that the “Latter Rain” is quite different than what has been expected and it is already being poured out!
Heaven has a startling message for the final generation: "Fear Yahuwah!" Here, you will find a Biblical examination of what it truly means to fear Yahuwah.
The Jesuit Order has been the mastermind behind some of the largest deceptions in history. Coincidences of dates, goals and agendas link them to the worldwide, modern deception of a globe earth. Careful research of Scripture, archaeology and history, also ties them to the latest cover-up in a lie spanning almost 1,700 years: the widely held belief that Saturday is the seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible.
Startling new evidence implicates the Jesuit order as the masterminds behind a deception spanning five centuries. This lie sets the world up to be deceived during the first woe of Revelation 9 when demons, appearing as aliens, will "invade" the earth.
The classification 501(c)(3) is a tax exempt status for religious or charitable organizations in the United States. While this article repeatedly refers to the 501(c)(3) classification, the warning crosses international boundaries. Any religious organization that is recognized as such by the national government comes under the control of that government. It is then an arm of the state and must comply with state policy.