Why Blue?
Why did Yahuwah choose the color blue for the tassel? Did he randomly pick a color?
A Road Less Traveled
“Hear O Israel: Yahuwah our Elohim, Yahuwah is one!” (Mark 12:29) It is a narrow way that Christ calls you to walk. You were not destined to travel the broad highways of religious tradition.
What it Means to be “Under the Law”
I would begin with a warning that this study is somewhat deep. This study will require a certain level of concentration. Please pray before reading this. May Yahuwah guide us all!
John 3:16: Beware of a Vague Misunderstanding
In modern times John 3:16 is probably the most frequently quoted verse (out of context) from the whole Bible, as it adorns American sporting events (on posters) and is used repeatedly as a succinct summary by well- meaning, enthusiastic evangelists. While being a beautiful statement (in itself) concerning Yahuwah’s overwhelming love to give His Son, and the ultimate goal involved, it can be used in a dangerously misleading way!
Making Jews Jealous: Another Look at Romans 9-11
Christians, Jew and Gentile, are to continue to take the gospel to the Jews (and also to the nations, or non-Jews; but never to the nations only). There is a remnant that will hear it, believe, and be saved. Our hope is that the natural branches will be grafted back into their own tree, along with the Gentiles now, as they see that Yahushua, and Yahushua alone, is their Messiah; and that Christians have the salvation and the fulfillment of their own promises and Scriptures from Yahuwah.
Hard Facts
Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel! Yahuwah our Elohim is one!"
Fellow Inheritors of the Kingdom
Edwin Lutzer is a fabricator of errant interpretations. Scripture immediately exposes his book title, One Minute After You Die, as fraudulent. What really happens when we die?
Fathered by Yahuwah
Yahushua was brought into existence by Yahuwah in a fabulously unique way. What confidence all of this should inspire!
Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb?
The unvarnished truth is that believers in times past possessed a much more biblical understanding of the importance and, I contend, the absolute necessity of water baptism than do the overwhelming majority of professing believers today!
The Truth that Sets Us Free
How it is that the true gospel of the coming Kingdom of Yahuwah can actually change lives? How is it that this particular message is the one by which salvation comes?
The Spirits in Prison
Mythology is sometimes an embroidered account of real history. In this case, it aptly describes a rebellion of old, and the circumstances of Tartarus, corresponding to wicked angels in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6.
The Great Christian Hope: The Resurrection
In his constant preaching, as demonstrated in 1 Corinthians 15 and in the Thessalonian correspondence, Paul clearly identified the resurrection from the grave as the ultimate and only source of hope and comfort for every saint throughout the ages.
The New Covenant: Promise of Transformation
If you feel discouraged because you find yourself still falling into sin, take courage. The very fact that you want to stop sinning is proof of the Spirit’s work on your heart because the natural heart does not love the things of Yahuwah.
Recovering the True Gospel of the Coming Kingdom of Yahuwah
Why did Yahuwah create human beings? For what purpose did He make us? You would expect that everyone would be pondering, discussing and debating this most basic of all issues. But they are not! The public and even the church mind is on other things. Such is the deception, which Satan has worked in human society.
Life After Death — According to Martha and Yahushua
The 11th chapter of John’s gospel has deeply intrigued me for some time due to its powerful truths about death. I’ve often thought that if more people truly examined what is said and shown in the little details of that chapter, the prominent belief in an innate, Platonic immortal soul might be more willingly discarded in favor of the actual truth of Scripture.
Servetus' Ashes Cry Out Against John Calvin
This article deals with a little-known but very important part of church history from the Reformation period. This information has been so concealed from the public in our day that very few people know anything about these appalling facts. Whistles need to be blown. Brace yourself for a shock.