The Gods Have Become Like Men
In this post, we’ll examine Paul and Barnabas’s first visit to Lystra to discover whether the deity of Christ and his theorized incarnation, in particular, was part of the message the apostles shared in this city in modern-day Turkey.
The Principle of Agency in the Old Testament
The principle of agency, also known as the law of agency, is an important precept that helps us better understand Scripture as a whole and, more specifically, who Yahushua is, his ministry, and his relationship to Yahuwah.
What about ''The Holy Spirit''?
Since “the only true God” is “the Father,” and since He is “holy” and He is “spirit,” He is also referred to in Scripture as “the Holy Spirit.”
Hebrews’ use of the Old Testament
The New Testament is our divinely inspired commentary on the Old Testament. Here are the places where the author of Hebrews quotes the Old Testament.
Who Is Israel?
What does Paul mean when he says that all Israel will be saved?
Reclaiming Biblical Spirituality
Many Christians are afraid of genuine biblical spirituality because Satan has stolen these practices so that now, many believers assume these forms of spirituality are themselves satanic. It’s time to reclaim these lost spiritual practices.
Seal of Yahuwah
The Seal of Yahuwah offers spiritual protection to all who live in accordance with the divine law.
Is John 1:1 Parallel to the Man Moses?
John 1:1 - Evidence that Israelites familiar with the LXX could recognize the first sentence of John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” as a parallel to Moses.