Who Is Israel?
What does Paul mean when he says that all Israel will be saved?
Reclaiming Biblical Spirituality
Many Christians are afraid of genuine biblical spirituality because Satan has stolen these practices so that now, many believers assume these forms of spirituality are themselves satanic. It’s time to reclaim these lost spiritual practices.
Seal of Yahuwah
The Seal of Yahuwah offers spiritual protection to all who live in accordance with the divine law.
Is John 1:1 Parallel to the Man Moses?
John 1:1 - Evidence that Israelites familiar with the LXX could recognize the first sentence of John’s Gospel, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” as a parallel to Moses.
Yes, Yahushua has a God
Paul affirmed, "By the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word shall be established." (2 Corinthians 13:1) Here we have eight inspired witnesses that Ellen White and the Trinitarians have willfully chosen to ignore that state emphatically that Yahushua has a God, and is not therefore equal to Father Yahuwah.
No Peace, No Messiah
There is one Messiah who would come twice—and that Second Coming could be very soon!