Yahushua, the Wisdom of Yahuwah
If Yahushua is Yahuwah, why must he be filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah? Moreover, why would he need the spirit of wisdom if he is Wisdom?
Is Yahushua Omniscient?
If we are to be faithful followers of Christ, we must deal with the contradiction between Church dogma and the word of Yahuwah. We must not downplay the fact that Scripture reveals some things that Yahushua didn’t know.
Did Yahushua “Return” to the Father?
Scripture does not speak of Yahushua returning to or going back to Yahuwah, only of his going to the Father, and of his resurrection and ascension.
A reading of Philippians 2:5-11
Many see Philippians 2 as portraying the descent of a heavenly, divine Person to become human. Is that really what Paul is saying, though?
The Trinity: Who Knows?
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone” (Matt. 24:36, NASB). How can Yahushua be God and not know?