Biblical Christian Articles

3319 Articles in 21 Languages

14 Reasons Why I Won’t Watch 'The Chosen'
There is much about "The Chosen" that should concern the sincere Christian. Let’s look at examples of how this show twists Scripture and demeans Christ.
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Hits: 2182 
Transhumanism: Humanity under siege!
Transhumanism is Satan’s ultimate goal: men created in his own image.
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Hits: 1349 
Papal Infallibility: It’s not what most Protestants think!
The doctrine of infallibility, while not what many Protestants have assumed, is still a problematic teaching.
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Hits: 919 
Why Blue?
Why did Yahuwah choose the color blue for the tassel? Did he randomly pick a color?
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Hits: 1276 
A Road Less Traveled

“Hear O Israel: Yahuwah our Elohim, Yahuwah is one!” (Mark 12:29) It is a narrow way that Christ calls you to walk. You were not destined to travel the broad highways of religious tradition.

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Hits: 1032 
If Yahushua Pre-existed, He wasn’t a Human, John 17:5

Many Trinitarians believe that Yahushua’s prayer in the Gospel of John 17:5 shows that he pre-existed. But is this really what he was saying?

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Hits: 1306 
The Insignificance of the Number 3
The purpose of this article is to examine whether groupings of three in Scripture or in nature point to a triune God. Is it true that mentioning three things together proves a trinity? Does grouping three things or people together create a “three-in-one” unity?
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Hits: 964 
Praise! A tool in asymmetrical warfare!
Praise is far too important a weapon of spiritual warfare to not be more broadly known amongst Yah's people today. When you praise Yahuwah in every situation, you are declaring before the onlooking universe your faith in His love and power to save. That faith, acted upon in praise, will have its own impact, delivering you from the snares of the enemy.
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Hits: 995 
5 Proofs that Daniel's 70th Week has been Fulfilled
Daniel’s “seventy weeks” prophecy was fulfilled in the first century. Sadly, though, many today have failed to recognize this wonderful truth and insist that the final week of Daniel’s prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. Here are 5 proofs that Daniel’s 70th week has been fulfilled.
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Hits: 1790 
Were We Deceived?
Did Yahushua and the Apostles tell us the whole story? Why did it take over 300 years for the Church to discover the Way of Salvation?
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Hits: 1112 
Women’s role in the Ekklesia
This article examines the related and inseparable roles of both men and women in the home and Ekklesia.
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Hits: 1237 
Thy Kingdom Come
It is time many more Christians read their Bibles and summoned up the courage for Truth's sake rather than silence for unity.
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Hits: 1231 
The Doctrine of Pronouns Applied to Christ’s Testimony of Himself
Here, we examine the Trinity doctrine fallacy and some of the nonsensical assertions used to prop it up.
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Hits: 1083 
Questions about Preexistence
Nine questions for those who teach that Yahushua pre-existed his birth in Bethlehem...
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Hits: 1513 
What it Means to be “Under the Law”
I would begin with a warning that this study is somewhat deep. This study will require a certain level of concentration. Please pray before reading this. May Yahuwah guide us all!
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Hits: 1566 
John 3:16: Beware of a Vague Misunderstanding
In modern times John 3:16 is probably the most frequently quoted verse (out of context) from the whole Bible, as it adorns American sporting events (on posters) and is used repeatedly as a succinct summary by well- meaning, enthusiastic evangelists. While being a beautiful statement (in itself) concerning Yahuwah’s overwhelming love to give His Son, and the ultimate goal involved, it can be used in a dangerously misleading way!
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Hits: 1579 
That Rock Was Christ

Believers in the pre-existence of the Lord Yahushua often appeal to the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:4, where he says of the Israelites in the wilderness that they "all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them; and that rock was Christ." It is argued from this that Christ himself personally accompanied the people of Israel as they journeyed through the wilderness to the Promised Land. But is this really what Paul is saying?

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Hits: 1576 
Making Jews Jealous: Another Look at Romans 9-11
Christians, Jew and Gentile, are to continue to take the gospel to the Jews (and also to the nations, or non-Jews; but never to the nations only). There is a remnant that will hear it, believe, and be saved. Our hope is that the natural branches will be grafted back into their own tree, along with the Gentiles now, as they see that Yahushua, and Yahushua alone, is their Messiah; and that Christians have the salvation and the fulfillment of their own promises and Scriptures from Yahuwah.
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Hits: 1362 
Is Yahushua the Only “Christ” in the Bible?
Is Yahushua the only “Christ” in the Bible? The majority will surely respond with a resounding, “Yes!” However, the correct answer might surprise you. Read more!
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Hits: 1542 
Is Yahushua also Michael the Archangel?
Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Yahushua is Michael the Archangel. I approach this topic with care and respect for those who hold to this doctrine; nevertheless, the aim of this study is to call their attention to the problems that one faces when trying to defend this doctrine.
Comments: 2 
Hits: 1819 

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