While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Yah's Calendar

3486 Articles in 21 Languages

Jews & the Sabbath

A common assumption is that Saturday must be the Bible Sabbath because it is the day on which the Jews worship.  Jewish scholars themselves, however, admit that the calendar they use is not the Biblical calendar.

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Hits: 18981 
8 Days a Week? Julian Calendar History

Assumptions are dangerous – especially when they are made in the realm of religion.  If a theological belief is based upon a faulty assumption, the religious practice will be in error.  At the heart of Christendom lies a most dangerous assumption: that the modern 7-day week has been cycling continuously since Creation.  A close examination of the early Julian Calendar, however, proves the grave fallacy of this belief!

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Hits: 58557 
Constantine I & Hillel II: Two Men Who Deceived the Whole World

One of the greatest frauds in the history of the world was perpetrated almost 1,700 years ago by the actions of two men: Constantine I & Hillel II

Have you been deceived?

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Hits: 48713 
Dispelling the Darkness: When Does a Day Begin?

The adversary has stolen the worship due the Creator by changing the calendar used to find the seventh-day Sabbath.  But that is not all he has changed.  He has even changed when a day begins!   

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Hits: 27786 
New Moon Day: The Dawn After Conjunction

World's Last Chance is overjoyed to share what we sincerely believe to be advancing light on our Creator's calendar.  Since we first accepted the glorious light of Yahuwah's luni-solar calendar and its divine role in determining all of the Feast Days, including the Seventh Day Sabbath, we have in our ignorance proclaimed that New Moon Day was determined by the first visible crescent.  We now, after much prayer and study, repent of this error and would like to humbly share our conviction that New Moon Day is to be observed, beginning at dawn, on the day following the moon's conjunction with the sun. 

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Hits: 145920 
Changeling: Christians becoming Pagan

As the first few generations of Christians died off, a change occurred within Christianity.  Paganism was embraced and pagan practices were adopted.  The biggest change was adopting the pagan calendar for worship.

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Hits: 44655 
Mystery Babylon: The Origins of Saturn

Explore the origins of the god Saturn and discover who receives the worship of Saturday (Saturn’s day).  This article is a must-read for all who believe that Saturday is the holy seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible. 

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Hits: 88038 
Babylonian Mysteries: The Hidden God

The most astonishing and shocking information is unveiled when the identity of the Hidden god is revealed. You will never look at Sunday or Saturday again in the same way when you have read this article.

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Hits: 57937 
The Metonic Cycle Made Simple

Understanding the Metonic Cycle: Discover the beauty and consistency of the Biblical Luni-Solar Calendar through this very predictable 19-year cycle!

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Hits: 50434 
The Resurrection: Easter? or First Fruits?

Because the Bible is clear that Yahushua was resurrected on the first day of the week, and since Sunday is the first day of the modern week, the assumption that Yahushua was resurrected on Sunday seems conclusive.  However, the modern calendar was not used by the Israelites of Yahushua’s time.  All who worship on Sunday in honor of “Easter Sunday” as the day of the Saviour’s resurrection are honoring a Roman Catholic institution which itself is based upon ancient pagan fertility celebrations.

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Hits: 26331 
New Moon Day: Gift of the Creator

New Moon Day is the gift of Yahuwah.  The faithful in these last days will uphold the sanctity of this special day.  Scripture declares that New Moon Day will be observed by the redeemed throughout eternity in the New Earth. Untold joys await those who seek fellowship with Him in whom all the fullness of Life dwells!

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Hits: 25470 
New Moons, Sabbaths, & the Gregorian Calendar

The modern Gregorian calendar cannot be used to calculate the true seventh-day Sabbath because it lacks one very vital feature of Biblical time-measurement: lunar months.  The Creator’s calendar begins each month with the New Moon.  Because the weekly cycle restarts with every New Moon, it appears that the Sabbath “floats” through the Gregorian week.  In reality, it is the Gregorian months that float through the very consistent format of the lunar months.

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Hits: 50806 
Easter | Pagan Passover

Modern Easter has no basis in the pure religion of Heaven.  All of its traditions are pagan.  Celebration of Easter does not honor the death and resurrection of the Saviour and no amount of renaming it by Christian names can purify Easter of its pagan origins.  Easter, however, is much more than a pagan imposter pretending to be Christian.  Lurking behind the pretty facade, Easter is a cover-up for the greatest fraud of all time: a calendar change which hides the true day of the resurrection and the true seventh-day Sabbath! 

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Hits: 38240 
Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions

"Holiday."  For most people, the word is applied to one celebration in particular . . . Christmas!  Despite all the commercial trappings of the modern celebration, Christmas remains, at heart, a religious festival.  It is a time when a deity is remembered and honored.  Many sincere Christians often speak of putting the Christ back into Christmas.  The problem is, Yahushua the Saviour was never "in" Christmas to begin with!  To discover the god being honored at Christmas, it is necessary to trace its pagan origins. 

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Hits: 68345 
International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged?

The modern weekly cycle has no ties to anything in nature.  Because of this, problems arise that do not exist in the Luni-Solar calendar of Creation: specifically, the need for an arbitrary International Date Line.  A continuous weekly cycle, anchored to nothing in nature, is a man-made institution.  The International Date Line is simply a man-made solution to what is nothing more than a man-made problem.  

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Hits: 18445 
Lunar Sabbath | The Defense - Part 3

In recent years, the knowledge of the Creator's calendar and the seventh-day Sabbath calculated by that calendar, has grown and spread.  Various objections have been raised against this truth.  However, when these objections are carefully analyzed in the light shining from Scripture and the historical record, the facts support that the true Biblical Sabbath can only be found by using the luni-solar calendar of Creation.  This article answers 9 common objections raised against the Biblical Lunar Sabbath.

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Hits: 17744 
Lunar Sabbath | The Defense - Part 2

In the bewildering tumult of many opposing ideas, different claims against the Biblical lunar Sabbath have been made.  Most of these are due simply to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the truth.  Everyone has inherited errors and traditions handed down from paganized Christianity.  However, Scripture reveals its secrets to every Searcher for Truth.  None need remain in confusion and error. This article answers 7 common objections raised against the Biblical Lunar Sabbath.

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Hits: 17135 
Lunar Sabbath | The Defense - Part 1

In recent years, increasing light on the Sabbath has revealed a long-forgotten truth:  the fact that the Biblical seventh-day Sabbath cannot be found using a pagan calendar.  Only by using the ancient Hebrew calendar, the calendar of Creation, can the true Sabbath be found.  Various objections to this new and very startling truth have been raised.  This article answers 10 common objections raised against the Biblical Lunar Sabbath.

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Hits: 29871 
The Last Supper: Passover? or Not?
The assumption that the Last Supper was the Passover meal has led to confusion.  Scripture reveals the beautiful harmony of symbols in that the Last Supper was not the Passover, but an ordinary meal ordained with new symbols.
Comments: 83 
Hits: 32883 
Pentecost | Calculation Restoration
The Count to Pentecost, or more accurately addressed as “the Feast of Weeks”, is a calculation that most take for granted.  World’s Last Chance, after many hours of prayerful study, has reached the conclusion that the “popular method” for finding the day is in error!  Please join us, as we journey into a deeper understanding of the Feast of Weeks and how to find it.
Comments: 130 
Hits: 85576 

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