While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Practical Piety

3486 Articles in 21 Languages

Edward Wightman: A Tragic Death

“If, then, dead books may be committed to flames, how much more live books, that is to say, men?” This is the story of Edward Wightman, a name unknown to modern Bible students, yet known to history as the last person in England to be burned at the stake for heresy.

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Hits: 1819 
What does Yahuwah think about Masturbation?
Masturbation will inexorably feed and fan the flames that burn away any resolve a man or woman may have to live for Yahuwah and for others.
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Hits: 7057 
How to Counsel Teenagers about Masturbation
Practical step to overcoming the addiction of masturbation...
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Hits: 4761 
Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth
Whether you are worshiping with a small group, just your immediate family, or by yourself, it is possible to gain a rich Sabbath day’s blessing while worshipping at home.
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Hits: 5231 
4 Simple Steps to Increase Your Faith!
Faith is the hand that grasps the promises of Yah, bringing Heaven’s greatest blessings to the humble believer.
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Hits: 4004 
Obedience that comes from Faith
Like salvation, obedience itself is a gift. Obedience that flows from our own strenuous effort is nothing but works and is unacceptable to Yah.
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Hits: 4744 
Wonder why bad things happen? Yah has the answer!
In a world of sorrows, the hurting heart wants to know why? Why, if Yah is a God of love, does He not keep bad things from happening? There are actually very good reasons why Yahuwah does not always prevent tragedies, but He is always present to strengthen and encourage at every step of the way.
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Hits: 4319 
Learn How to Access Untapped Divine Power!
Interwoven throughout Scripture is a principle of unimaginable power, just waiting to be accessed by anyone who will claim it by faith. Scripture declares that Yahuwah cannot lie. The reason is simple: whatever Yahuwah states is so as soon as He says it!
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Hits: 4549 
The Most Powerful Promise in the Universe!
Yahuwah wants the promise contained in His name to be known and used. This is why Scripture repeatedly urges believers to "Call upon the name of Yahuwah!"
Comments: 9 
Hits: 6363 
The #1 Best Natural Remedy! Activated Charcoal!
Of all the remedies available, activated charcoal has the widest range of usefulness and should be known by everyone interested in treating illnesses naturally.
Comments: 14 
Hits: 5803 
Divine Guidance: Learn how to know Yah’s will for you individually!
Living through earth’s final crisis is going to require a closer, more vital connection with the heavenly Father than has been experienced since apostolic times. Each believer needs personal guidance because each, individual situation is so different. This requires not only a personal relationship with the Father, but the ability to hear and recognize His voice when He speaks to you.
Comments: 7 
Hits: 4358 
Disaster Preparedness: The Benefits of Country Living
In all the furor and speculation over the mark of the beast, the one point most people miss is that a time is coming when “no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark of the beast.”  Are you prepared for that moment?
Comments: 9 
Hits: 4969 
Disaster Preparedness: The Christian’s Duty
Without a doubt, we are living in the closing days of earth’s history. In years past, anyone preaching the end of the world was ridiculed and dismissed. Now, however, due to recent world events, people all over are waking up to the seriousness of the times in which we are living.  Are you ready for the days ahead? Do you even know how to prepare? This timely article will help get you started!
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Hits: 3228 
Delighting in the Sabbath

Sabbath observance is not a burden but a joy! Learn the secret to finding the Sabbath a delight.

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Hits: 13353 
Under the Shadow of His Wings: Hiding in the Secret Place of the Most High

Hurricane Irma was the largest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic. But even this mighty force of nature could not overpower one family who claimed the mighty promises of Yah.

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Hits: 10399 
Heaven’s Heroes: Michael & Margaretha Sattler

Michael and Margaretha Sattler were ordinary people. People with simple joys and sorrows, hopes and fears like everyone else. And yet, in time of trial, they stayed faithful to Yahuwah. Their steadfastness in the face of opposition will be greatly rewarded in Heaven. Read their story and be inspired that what Yah has done for others, He’ll do for you, too.

Comments: 6 
Hits: 10846 
Porn-proofing Your Child

Pornography is a trap. It is just as addictive as nicotine or alcohol and wise parents will do anything and everything in their power to prepare their child to resist the temptation when it is presented, because at some point, it will be.  Use these techniques to raise your child to stand firm against the allure of pornography.

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Hits: 16048 
Sin Addiction: Guarding the Avenues to the Soul

Now, more than ever before, it is imperative to guard every avenue to the soul through which Satan would seek to entice and ensnare.

Comments: 16 
Hits: 13653 
8 Indispensable Weapons in the War Against Sexual Sins

It is High Time to Deal Radically with Sexual Sins.  Probation is about to close.  It would be most foolish for Christians today to not employ all available weapons in their war against sexual immorality.

Comments: 68 
Hits: 11706 
Independent Ministries: Beware of the hidden trap!

Many independent ministries have arisen to spread truth when the various denominations failed to advance with the light. Sadly, most of these ministries if not all have likewise failed to follow ever-increasing light. Heaven calls all to stand apart from any organization that would impede the advancement of truth.

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Hits: 9662 

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